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the front door then opening again "okay did I send you all a text saying come over?"I say sarcastically as Leigh,Shawn,Jesy and Jake walk in "no but"Jesy mutters sitting down "okay me and Jesy saw something"Leigh Anne says sitting next to her I give them a confused look everyone's eyes looking at them "we saw Jade..."
"We saw Jade"Leigh Anna says taking a deep breath "kiss another boy"she mutters my jaw dropping "and then we watched them you know go into what must have been his house"Jesy sighs looking down "I'm so embarrassed about her"Leigh Anne says putting her head in her hands,I look down trying to process what I've just been told not really sure how to react everyone saying Niall continuously
"But let's face it Jade you love Niall and you always will even if you divorce him and get with the rich boy"Perrie says putting her glass down "I'm being honest Perrie I don't think I will"I tell her she shakes her head chewing her lip "do you love Niall?"she asks I look down to be honest I don't even know anymore I'm not sure if I do or not "I don't know"I mutter her jaw drops as soon as the words come out of my mouth "I mean I do but I don't I'm confused Perrie"I tell her putting my head in my hands "I mean this rich boy could give me the whole world but Niall he tries to give me everything he can and more so I don't know what to do"I sigh taking a sip from my drink "I know what you'll do because the rich boy will break your heart and Niall Horan would never even think of doing that,you've just got to make sure he doesn't find out what you did with rich boy"
"Okay she most likely slept with someone doesn't mean she doesn't love you"Louis says there all trying to reassure me that Jade doesn't hate me that she loves me she just messed up abit but I'm not having any of it,don't people cheat because they don't love their partner anymore?i mean I'm not the best husband,I have a lot of problems,I may as well be a child,I'm quite emotional the list really does go on
"Isn't that what people do though?dont they cheat so they can get away from their partner?"I ask them they all just look down probably not sure what to say,the boy she probably cheated with could probably offer her much more than I could he probably deserves her more too,maybe he could give her the whole world if she wanted it but I couldn't give her that I don't even deserve her anymore
The front door once again opens making me groan but when I actually see who it is my jaw drops

"Niall"We saw Jade"Leigh Anna says taking a deep breath "kiss another boy"she mutters my jaw dropping "and then we watched them you know go into what must have been his house"Jesy sighs looking down "I'm so embarrassed about her"Leigh Anne says pu...

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It's you (sequel to daddy?)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora