Chapter 12 - Him!?

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"I don't love you anymore" Ant states, and Lisa can see how empty, hollow and emotionless Ant looks. Her warm, loving, caring husband has been replaced by this cold person; it's almost like the real Ant had been left behind on the island.

"You....why? What did I do?" Lisa gasps, and tears start to form in her eyes as the words sink in. "You never did anything, well you did, you loved me, and that's where it all went wrong. You see, I fell in love with you all those years ago Lisa, I feel so deeply in love that I couldn't climb back out of the hole my love made for you. On that island there were many times that I and Dec thought that we were going to die, but we helped each other and we got so so so close that...I'm sorry Lisa. I wasn't going to tell you so soon but I cannot hold it from you anymore" Ant says whilst staring at the carpet to avoid the look of hurt in Lisa's eyes.

Lisa is so wound up and wants to totally flip out right now, but she knows that wont help the situation at all. So instead, she walks over to her 'husband', wraps her arms around his waist and rests her head against his shoulder. "Cant you just go back to normal? Forget what two can still be friends" Lisa pleads, and Ant truly is torn between who to choose. "I...I cant forget Lise. I...-" is all Ant can say before Lisa tries to interrupt. "WILL YOU LET ME FINISH" Ant says in an incredibly raised voice, and Lisa knows Ant is going to yell at her very soon. "Sure" Lisa whispers, and Ant starts to feel guilty. "I'm sorry Lisa, I should never have got with you, the feelings that me and Dec have had for each other have clearly been put aside for so long now, it's time. I cant stay with you, because even if I did the feelings for Dec will always be there and it just isn't fair. He wants me, and I want him" Ant says, and Lisa suddenly feels a burst of anger sear throughout her body. Without thinking, she picks up the bottle of Rose that was innocently sitting on the coffee table, and swings it..right into the side of Ants head. There's not even time for an 'ouch' before Ant falls to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Lisa stands there shaking and trembling, looking at the remnants of the bottle she is still holding, and her husbands lifeless looking body that is laying on the floor, and the small pool of blood that is appearing under his head. 

Instead of calling for help, Lisa just walks out of the house. She furiously paces down the road to the Donnelly household, and hammers on the door. Dec and Ali are standing in the hall getting ready to go out for a walk when they head the door being knocked. Ali opens the door, but as she goes to say hi, she is moved out of the way by a very angry looking Lisa. With fire in her eyes, Lisa storms down the hall and forcefully pushes Dec straight against the wall; to which he hits his head against. 

"I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE YOU" Lisa practically screams in his face, and she starts to shake him by his collar. "YOU...TOOK MY HUSBAND AWAY" Lisa continues to scream, and Dec starts to see stars as Lisa has started to strangle him. Ali looks on in horror, and she knows that she should be rescuing her boyfriend, but she knows Lisa well enough to know that something serious must have happened; and it sounds like Dec has done something awful. "Stop...ple...Ali..." Dec tries to choke out as tears well in his eyes, and he shakily holds his hand out to Ali. Lisa reluctantly lets do, and she takes a step back.

"Tell her Declan. Tell Ali what you've done." 

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