Chapter 19 - In the Belly of the Beast

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 On the early morning of the third month of 476, the rare sight of peace that echoed throughout Agnea was suddenly rattled by alarming news, in regards to Ayogan's city of Bai'Nin. "Emergency report! Emergency report!" cried a messenger. "My Queen! My Queen!" "What is it? Speak!" "On the twenty-second day of the second month, Bai'Nin.... Bai'Nin..." "Spit it out, messenger! What happened to the city?" "Bai--Bai'Nin has fallen! In the early hours of patrol, the Nakamoto banners that waved around Bai'Nin were nowhere to be seen. Instead... instead, hanging in their place were banners with the Kikuchi (菊) emblem!" At the sound of the name, the Queen immediately snapped. "Nonsense!" In a state of fury she kicked a table over. "Insolence! You're lying! How can Konming's forces fail with the defenses of Bai'Nin in their favor!" "My Queen... I dare not to ever lie to you! What I have spoken is the truth; my eyes will not betray in matters like this!" pleaded the messenger. Everyone in the Imperial Court, from advisers to eunuchs witnessed the Queen was visually disturbed. Her face was bright red from anger, the veins on her neck protruded from underneath her skin; her hands were clenched so tight, her nails had dug into her palms and blood began to cover her fists, dripping onto the carpet the throne rested on.

 No one was willing to wake the Queen from her enraged trance for fear that their life would be in dire jeopardy. "Your Highness? My Queen?" asked Adviser Xzar, in an attempt to disenchant Nakamoto. "My Queen, have you released all your anger?" In an eerily calm voice, the Queen said, "No. I'm still overflowing with ire." She unhurriedly walked to the messenger in a calm manner, hands covered in dried blood. Instinctually, the messenger peered his eyes to the floor making sure not to look at the Queen directly. In the same eerie voice she ordered to the messenger, "If you can tell me the truth, I will be at ease. Tell me that Bai'Nin and Feo province in its entirety are untouched. Konming and his army are still in charge of the city and keeping it safe." "Don't do this to him, Your Highness, he's--" "Tell me!" barked Nakamoto. "Say it to my face! No Kikuchi in this life, or any life in past or future, will dare to go head to head with a Nakamoto!" Panicking, the messenger got on his knees and bowed all the while being completely silent. "Please calm your temper, My Queen," begged Adviser Xzar, "you're scaring the messenger and the present officials. For their sake, as well as yours, please calm down." Assessing the surrounding with an ounce of rationality she walked back to her throne.

 Studying her bloodied hands, she chuckled, "Oh how long it has been since I or the Westlands have seen some form of bloodshed. Perhaps this is an omen for me to water the lands with the blood of the opposition." "Your Highness," objected Xzar, "I'm afraid that is a horrible course of action. The Westlands have been prospering in the absence of a war. To wage battle in a time of peace will scrap all that's been gained. Also, even if we were to have a skirmish at Bai'Nin City, its defenses will repel us with little effort."

 Suzuka sighed. "Why do you have to be right, Xzar? Not only did I lose a city, I also lost a trusted official in Konming. Xzar!" 


"I want you to find someone to fill the void that Konming has left. Be diligent and confident in who you choose. I am entrusting this responsibility to you." 

"We're uncertain of Konming's death, if he did. Let us wait until more news have surfaced. Making a move without knowing all the facts is imprudent." 

"We don't have the luxury of time on our hands, Xzar. The state's administrative responsibilities waits for no one. Even if it's only temporary, find someone who is adequate enough to carry out these duties. I'm going to rest in my room." "As you wish, My Queen." When Suzuka was leaving the Imperial Hall, a loud thud, followed by the sound of a body rolling down a set of stairs, came from her direction. "Get the physician!" shouted one guard. "The Queen has fainted! The Queen has fainted! Quick, take her to her room!"

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