Chapter 29 - Eyes on the East

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 Four major rivers pass through Ayogan: Oja, Ro'chi, Kimra, and Shinjou. Kimra flows from the Eastern Sea at an east to southwest direction into the Agnean Sea; its width too narrow for the likes of war fleets but is extremely useful for merchants and traders traveling for business. Oja and Ro'chi are rivers which begin from the snowy mountains in the most northern regions of Agnea. Seeping from the mountains, the rivers nourish the fertile lands that make up the Central Plains where they slowly converge into a confluence known as Serpent's Pass, due to the river's winding journey through dangerous canyons littered with jagged rocks. Once Serpent's Pass has been dealt with, the large rivers dump into Lake Aeia, the largest body of water of inland Agnea. Three smaller rivers branch from Lake Aeia; two that run south while the other strays southeast. Shinjou River is a peculiar case as it is the lone, natural source of free flowing water that traverses the country from west to east. Its simplicity and broadness makes it ideal for large war fleets to travel spaciously. 

  In Moa's absence Konming appointed himself as regent until she recovers from her illness. As likely the case, not too many in Kikuchi's party were on board with his selfish decision. Aware of the recent battle's aftermath Konming knew Nakamoto will not execute another large offensive scheme until she has recuperated her losses. Despite also suffering immensely from the fight he decided to deploy crack troops to secure Ayogan territory under Moa's name. With their leader incapacitated no one had any legitimate reason to object his orders. Steadily, the lands were liberated from Westland authority one after the other.

 By Summer of 478, eight of the nine divisions of Ayogan were captured as Kikuchi territory; the only one resisting to be taken was Corroa, which has been the witness to stalemates since General Okada took control of Wil'on. Midsummer saw Moa's return from her health scare, much to the delight of her loyal officers. Not long after returning to office, suspicions arose within the inner circle about the uncertainty of Konming's loyalty. Accusations were thrown against him, some claiming he was in cahoots with General Yamaide that allowed the Westlands to flank them and ultimately turned the battle in their favor. Another rumor claimed he has always been keeping close contact with Queen Nakamoto and his ultimate goal is to surrender all of Ayogan to her once Kikuchi has been compromised. Others dragged Cavalry Commander Ayami Muto into the conversations because of her close affiliation with Queen Nakamoto in the past. Tension brewed a fine cup of strongly concentrated disorganization. "That is nonsense," yelled Moa, "He has played a vital role in getting us to where we are today! If I am to fall ill again or become incapable of fulfilling my duties to the best of my abilities, Konming will be the one I will entrust to take control in my place!"

 During this period of internal conflict Ooga Saki has been traveling to and from the Eastlands having become well acquainted with Princess Mizuno since given the role of Diplomatic Mediator. Unlike Ayogan, there was structure and order under Yui's sovereignty. The Council of Five have been undertaking their new positions diligently without contempt; her people had no urge to rebel; the local officials served with no pretense under political corruption. Roads and alleyways were devoid of litter or the homeless; temples and monasteries were restored to a youthful appearance. Ooga couldn't help but feel a tad envious of how smoothly things were running for the princess. Voicing her admiration, the princess listened and bestowed her permanent living quarters inside her castle walls whenever she visited. Mizuno's closest adviser, Aneev, was not too particularly thrilled with her lord's generosity citing the Kikuchi-supporter as a potential threat to the Eastlands and the princess's safety. Yui supplanted Aneev's concerns reassuring her that they were of no threat to her state and, perhaps, "they can be an important asset against an invasion from the west."

 Queen Nakamoto again succumbed to the recurring effects of the toxin that has been coursing through her veins for the last decade. The entry wound where the arrowhead was dislodged had gotten worse;the skin around it had become excruciatingly sensitive, her waist was chronically searing in pain. The damaged skin was seemingly transparent, blood vessels ranging from veins to capillaries were now quite visible. Hana, having grown a liking to her new master, couldn't sit around idly as Suzuka writhes in agony. 

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