Chapter 3 - Sticks and Bones

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Special Note: The fantastic cover art for this chapter was drawn by my wonderful friend, pilyarquitect. This turned out absolutely perfect and I adore it!

*Author's Note: Here's chapter 3 of 'You're Needed Here Now, Donnie' and things are getting pretty intense! Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read this story. I really, really appreciate it. I hope you like this new chapter. If you do . . . please let me know.  CJ


Chapter 3 – Sticks and Bones

It seemed as though lately, if not for bad luck, Donnie wouldn't have any luck at all. This night was certainly no exception to his unlucky streak. The night had gone from bad (the failed Brain Worm serum), to worse (the fight with his brothers), to even worse (getting captured), to shocking (three words: 'The Brain Boggler'), and now, to pretty much horrendous (being hunted by Chris Bradford aka 'Dogpound' aka 'Rahzar').

"Lucky indeed," Donnie breathed out, barely audible, not even sure if his enemy had heard it.

The malevolent smirk on Rahzar's face grew wider and somehow even toothier than before, indicating that he had heard it loud and clear.

Of course he heard it, dummy! He's a mutant dog with enhanced senses! One of them being a heightened sense of hearing! You, of all turtles, should know that! Donnie berated himself for managing to somehow space out the first time Bradford had captured he and Mikey in that defunct futon factory on Fifth.

How could I forget that abysmal disaster?

While Donnie stood there continuing to curse his bad luck, Bradford seemed quite thrilled with how his own lucky stars were aligning. That must have been why he couldn't wipe the smirk off of his face.

Donnie's delicate stomach condition downgraded from queasy to downright revolting when he noticed Rahzar's gleaming white teeth reflecting in what little light was shining into the alley.

My, what a sparkling smile. I wonder if he flosses daily. You know . . . to get the hunks of meat out of his teeth, Donnie thought grimly.

"You know, it's an added bonus that the turtle that shows up all alone is the smart one . . . The one I have been told is capable of making retro mutagen . . . Mine for the taking. Yes, it must be my lucky night," Rahzar said, dragging his knifelike claws along the front plate of the Stealth Bike, which produced a 'fingernails on a chalkboard' type of sound that made Donnie cringe.

Normally, Donnie would have fired off some sort of a snappy comeback, but when he gazed up at the grotesque face of the skeletal monstrosity before him, Donnie's sense of humor ceased right up. He was not firing on all cylinders, that much was for sure. The direness of the situation had Donnie drawing a complete blank and not one sarcastic comment came to mind. What did come to mind was the disturbing thought that if Rahzar didn't kill him, Raph certainly would for what the atrocious mutant had just done to the finish of the Stealth Cycle.

"Your night, however, is about to take a very, very painful turn for the worse . . . "

No great shocker there, Donnie thought dryly.

" . . . Apparently, you didn't learn your lesson earlier. I guess I'm just going to have to beat some more sense into you," The giant mutant snarled, stopping just a couple of feet short of where Donnie was standing. The mutant dog held his claws out at his sides, readying to pounce on his prey.

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