Chapter 11 - When Turtles Fly

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Author's Notes: Chapter 11 of 'You're Needed Here Now, Donnie' is here and thisone is pretty action-packed. I really hope that all of you like it. 

Thank you to everyone who has been reading and sharing their thoughts on this story. Also, a big thanks to all of my followers. I really appreciate your support. ;) CJ

Onto the chapter . . .


Chapter 11 - When Turtles Fly

"Uh, Leo," Mikey whined, vainly attempting to massage the stinging sensation out of his left bicep brought on by a well-performed roundhouse kick courtesy of Rahzar. As he favored his aching arm, the youngest terrapin gyrated and danced about to avoid being kicked again by the bigger mutant. He was also trying his best to retain Rahzar's attention while Leo attempted to get his bearings back. His oldest brother had taken a hard kick from Rahzar, too, but his had been below the belt and Mikey knew from experience that that was going to take a lot more time to recover from than a kick to the arm.

Mikey expertly twirled his nunchucks out in front of him and hooked one of his kusari chains around Rahzar's wrist. He then gave the boney mutant a solid whack to the head with the Kikon-bu end of his other nunchuck handle. Rahzar did a sort of shuffle-step sideways, almost dragging Mikey with him as he staggered to the left, but the agile turtle pulled away his nunchucks just in time to save himself from being strung along like a puppet. Not that Mikey had anything against puppets . . . because he didn't. In fact, he really, really adored puppets. His particular favorite marionette was his big brother, Donnie. Mikey loved it when Raph did the whole Donnie puppet thing. That was super funny stuff, but something told Mikey that being Rahzar's puppet wouldn't be nearly as funny. He was willing to bet that it would be a lot more painful than funny.

Rahzar taking a blind swing and a miss at Mikey's head rudely interrupted the orange-clad turtle's disorganized thought process and snapped him back into reality.

Phew! That was a little too close for comfort . . . Mikey thought as he darted to the opposite side of the street that Rahzar was still hobbling on.

"Leo! We're kind of getting our shells handed to us on a platter here," Mikey not-so ingeniously pointed out, thinking that he was being helpful.

Helpful was not exactly what Leo would have called it. The leader in blue certainly didn't need Mikey to tell him that things weren't going well. He had the bruises to prove it.

"I noticed that, Mikey," Leo groaned in a voice that was significantly rougher than normal. The oldest turtle was still hunched over in pain, with his hands on his knees, waiting for the residual throbbing from Rahzar's cheap shot to subside. The soreness from the unsportsmanlike conduct that the canine mutant had dished out several moments before was gradually dying down, but Leo was still in dire need of an ice pack . . . maybe even two of them.

Excruciating pain or not, it definitely wasn't the best circumstances for the leader to take a prolonged time out. Just because he was hurting, that didn't give him the right to leave Mikey to take Rahzar down on his own. Leo had already seen the awful beast do enough damage to his family for one night.

Forcing himself to stand upright once again, Leonardo did everything in his power to ignore his body's strong objections to the movement. He needed to push the pain out of his mind so that he could focus on the fight rather than on his own misery. His brothers needed him.

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