Epilogue - All's Shell

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Author's Notes: Well, we have reached the epilogue of 'You're Needed Here Now, Donnie.'

Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to read, review, vote for, and follow this story. I want you all to know that I really do appreciate it. Please let me know if you enjoyed this story. I would love to hear from you. As always, thank you for reading. ;) CJ

And now, on with the story . . .


Epilogue - All's Shell

"So . . . how does it look?" Donnie queried, leaning his body as far over to the left as he could without causing himself to fall off of the table that he was lying on. He really wanted to get a better look at his ankle now that it was uncovered, but Leo's bulky carapace was obstructing his view.

"It looks pretty good, Donnie. The swelling's almost gone and the bruising is already starting to fade, but I think you'd better stay off it for a few more days, just to be on the safe side. In other words, you're still on restrictions. That means no practice or patrol until at least the weekend. And absolutely no projects or inventions," Leo said in a much stricter tone than seemed necessary. Maybe that was because Doctor Donnie was a rotten patient.

"A few more days? Don't you think you're overreacting? It's just a high ankle sprain, Leo. It's probably not even third degree severity, which means that the ligaments are only partially torn. Besides, I've already kept it elevated and immobilized for more than forty-eight hours now. That should be more than enough rest for the injury. As the resident medical expert of the lair, I think as long as we keep the ankle wrapped tightly, I should be able to walk on it," Donnie stated, using his medical expertise as a defense mechanism.

Leo's lips curled into a defiant sneer for a moment before he countered.

"And as the current acting family practitioner, as well as the team leader and oldest brother, I am ordering you to keep off of that ankle until further notice, Donnie. Sorry, but you're confined to your crutches or your task chair until I clear you for discharge. And, you are to be accompanied by a chaperone at all times with the exception of bathroom breaks and bedtime. Do I have to remind you that you are still recovering from a serious head injury and an unidentified illness as well?" Leo noted, knowing that he was stating the obvious to his genius brother.

Donnie's initial reply was a sharp intake of breath, but he soon found his voice and put it to good use. "This is totally unfair! If you were the one injured, I wouldn't put you on such inflexible restrictions!"

Leo folded his arms over his chest and gave Donnie a cunning smirk that made the brainiac instantly cringe.

"Well, okay . . . maybe I would," Donnie moaned in defeat when he saw the knowing look on Leo's face. That simple expression sucked the proverbial wind right out of Donnie's sails, having made him realize that he was guilty of regularly placing his brothers on restrictions eerily similar to the very ones that he was whining about.

Karma can be so unbelievably cruel sometimes . . .

Fortunately for Donnie, Leo never got the chance to gloat about successfully making the genius eat crow, because Raph and Mikey arrived just in the nick of time to spare their genius brother the humiliation.

"Geez, Leo! Are you his brother or his drill sergeant?" Raph griped as he strutted through the open lab doors, followed by Mikey, who moved in far less presumptuous fashion than his red-clad brother.

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