Chapter 4 - The Ex-Factory

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*Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.

*Special Note: Kudos to my awesome friend, CorolineThePheonix, for creating the freaky great artwork for this chapter. It's so amazing!

*Author's Note: Chapter 4 is here and Donnie is in big trouble! 

I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you like my story, please let me know. I would love the feedback. Thank you!  CJ


Chapter 4 – The Ex-Factory

Donnie's closed eyelids felt like they were weighted down by dozens of lead sinkers and his weary eyes flat-out refused to do what he wanted them to. After several failed attempts at prying his heavy eyelids apart, he temporarily gave up on that endeavor so that he could instead focus what little energy he had on lifting his arms up in hopes of clamping his hands around his aching head to dull the throbbing. He thought his head had hurt before, but it now felt as though someone was relentlessly drumming on his skull with a pair of tonfa.

The problem was Donnie's eyes weren't the only parts of his body that were refusing to cooperate. His arms didn't seem to want to respond to his simple commands, either. He soon discovered that his arms' lack of compliance wasn't due to physical exhaustion like his eyes had been. As he made another feeble attempt to lift his arms, he could feel that his wrists were pinned behind him somehow and every attempt to move them caused him a great deal of pain. It almost felt like he was . . .

Tied up . . .

This revelation caused Donnie's formerly defiant eyes to suddenly shoot wide open with a start. After a moment or two of blinking the blurriness away from his eyesight, he squinted to further focus his vision and to adjust to the scant lighting of his surroundings. He found himself lying plastron down on a concrete floor, and, just as he had suspected, his arms appeared to be bound behind him. He couldn't exactly see them from his current position, but he could feel the unremitting ropes that were wrapped far too tightly around his wrists rubbing the skin raw. He attempted to wriggle free from the ties that bound him, but it didn't take long for him to figure out that his knees and ankles were bound together as well. That would explain the numbness and tingling in his lower legs. Here he had thought that they were just still sleeping.

This is not good, Donnie thought grimly.

With a great deal of discomfort and effort, he managed to lift up his head, but only for a few seconds. That was all the time he needed to assess where he was. Laying his head back down against the cold, harsh concrete beneath him, he clumsily flailed about until he succeeded in flopping and twisting himself up onto his side. This gave him a better vantage point to evaluate his situation.

Unfortunately, it also alerted his captor that he was conscious.

"Well, well . . . Look who's finally awake," Came a crusty, snarly voice that made Donnie shudder in his shell.

Filled with indescribable dread, Donnie nervously peered up from his somewhat prone position on the floor to see that Rahzar was seated only a few feet away from him on a small wooden chair that looked as though it was barely able to support the mutant dog's weight.

Shifting his gaze down to the floor, Donnie could only lie there as Rahzar stood up and started to approach him. With his arms and legs tied, Donnie was basically defenseless.

Rahzar stood over Donnie and leered at him in what was obviously an intimidation tactic. This went on for what was possibly the longest minute in history . . . or, at least it seemed like it was to Donnie. Rahzar then bent down and roughly rolled Donnie onto his shell. Once Donnie was lying on his carapace, Rahzar slammed his big, boney foot down into the center of Donnie's plastron, which caused Donnie to make an "oomph" sound. Donnie then started gasping for the air that had been stomped out of him. Amused by the turtle's reaction, Rahzar leaned over the now panting turtle so he could get a closer view of the terrapin's suffering.

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