Chapter 2

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"Hey, little bro. I have a favor to ask of you."

I sighed, sinking back into my chair at the kitchen table, my phone to my ear. "I'm like a foot taller than you, Josh. I really don't think calling me 'little bro' works anymore." I saw Mama crack a smile at me from across the room before returning to cooking dinner.

"Yeah, whatever. You're still like five years younger than me, so there." I scoffed and shook my head as he went on. "But seriously, I have a favor to ask."

"Am I going to regret agreeing to this?" Like last time. Ugh, I didn't even want to think of that ever again.

Josh laughed. "God, I hope not. I can promise you that there will be no dildos involved this time." I rolled my eyes. "You remember Kyle, right?"

"Kyle as in your boyfriend? Yeah. What about him?"

"His little brother is starting school at Crest Hill tomorrow. Can you just keep an eye out for him?"

How was I supposed to do that? "I don't even know who he is!" I exclaimed. 

"His name is Colton and he's a junior. And he kinda looks like Kyle, if that helps."

I sighed dramatically. "Fine. But I can't promise I'll even see him. We're not even in the same grade."

"Great, thanks!" Without another word, he hung up on me. I didn't even want to know why, even though he never really does that to me.

I sighed and put my phone down on the table.

"Who were you talking to, hun?" Mom asked from behind me. When did she get home?

Turning around in my seat, I saw her wrapping her arm around Mama's waist. "Hi Mom. Um, that was Josh. Apparently Kyle's brother goes to my high school now."

She nodded her head. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure Josh mentioned that to me when I talked to him this morning."

Mama looked up at her. "He talked to you, but not to me? That boy." She shook her head slowly.

"Sorry, sweetie. He probably was just busy today. I know how much you miss your babies." Mom bent her head to kiss the top of Mama's.

"At least I still have one home with me," Mama said, stepping over to me. I ducked out of her reach before she had the chance to kiss my cheek. I really didn't want her lipstick all over my face. Again. She always does it, and thinks it's so funny. It's not.

And just like that, what Josh had asked was already gone from my head.

At least, until I actually saw him while I was at practice the next day after school.

We had just started our stretches after Coach Salazar gave us a really long, not really motivating pep talk about how this was going to be the best season yet. And really, most of his speech was just him repeating himself over and over again. He should really retire, but then we'd be losing the best coach we've ever had.

But anyway, I saw Colton talking to a boy and a girl, who I didn't know. I recognized him immediately, because yes, he does look like Kyle, except hotter.

Woah, wait. What? I meant hotter like he'd been running around for a while in this heat. Nothing else.

Colton looked directly at me, and I couldn't help but smile back at him. His brother probably already told him that I went here, and that's why he was looking at me. What other reason would there be?

Once both of our practices were over, I found him in the locker room. He was just throwing on his shirt when I walked up, covering up those back muscles that I wanted to get a better look at.

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