Chapter 14

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As soon as I walked through the front doors of the school, I made a beeline to Elliot's locker, hoping that he was there.

I needed to prove to him that I meant what I said last night.

Why were there so many people in the hallway right now? Didn't they understand that I needed to get through and that I couldn't get past them if they were all clumped in the middle like this? It just wasn't fair.

At one point, I may have run into someone. Okay, no. I totally ran them over. I didn't even see them before we both tumbled to the ground.

Standing up, I looked at the other person. She was still sitting on the ground, trying to gather up a bunch of loose papers that must have dropped. I picked up a binder and handed it to her as she got to her feet.

"Are you okay?" I asked. The girl nodded. She was probably a freshman. "I'm really sorry. I totally didn't see you there."

She looked down at her feet, her straight black hair falling in front of her face. "It's fine. Most people don't stop to make sure I'm okay."

That didn't sound too good, but I didn't have too much more time before the late bell rang. "I'm just glad I didn't hurt you. But right now I'm kinda in a rush. I need to go kiss my boyfriend good morning."

She nodded her head and I spun around to come face to face with the one person I've been looking for.

"So do I get this kiss now or were you planning on running someone else over first?" Elliot didn't give me a chance to reply as he looked behind me, to the girl. "Are you okay, Emily?"

I turned back to see the girl nodding her head again. "Really, I'm fine." She gave a small smile. "I'm glad you finally found someone, Elliot." Then, without another word, she walked off down the hall.

I looked at my boyfriend. "What did she mean by that? That you finally found someone?"

Elliot shrugged. "Who knows. Emily's kind of an odd one." Then he smiled. "Can you just kiss me already?"

"I'm not sure that's how the question went." I laughed. "Did you want me to kiss you?"

"That's not how the question went either, but yes."

I smiled as I put my arms around Elliot's neck and pulled him closer to me. I hesitated only slightly before placing my lips against his.

I promised that I wouldn't hide us. And this was me not hiding.

It wasn't so bad, this not hiding thing.

As soon as I pulled back from Elliot, a bell rang out above our heads.

"Dammit," I muttered under my breath. "What time is it?" I really hope that wasn't the late bell.

Elliot glanced at his watch. When did he start wearing a watch? "We have three minutes."

I nodded, grabbing his hand to pull him towards my locker. "Since when do you wear a watch?"

Elliot laughed. "I usually wear it. Have you really not noticed it before?"

I have only known him a week. It wasn't that uncommon to not notice something like that after a week, right?

Maybe we were moving too fast with this whole relationship thing.

I didn't want to think about that. We were great at the speed we were going.

"So," I started as soon as we reached my locker. "I have a game tonight. Do you wanna come?"

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