Chapter 22

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The rest of the week actually flew by, which I was grateful for. After what happened on Sunday, I was glad to have the distractions of school and soccer. And Elliot, of course.

I was upset with him a little bit Sunday afternoon, because he wasn't answering his phone. But as soon as he called me back explaining that he accidentally left it at home, I forgave him. Things like that happen. Not the greatest day for it to happen, but it did.

With each passing day this week, he's been getting more and more excited about his sister's wedding. I mean, who wouldn't? His sister is getting married. That's a pretty big deal.

That day has finally come, and all I could hear was him screaming through the phone in excited and anxious panic.

"I can't find them!"

I took a deep breath, shifting through my closet. "What can't you find, babe?"

"My shoes!"

I shook my head, amused, pulling out the outfit Elliot had told me to wear. "Check under your bed. Shoes tend to end up under there."

I heard things being moved around for a moment. "Found them! You're a lifesaver, Colton."

Smiling, I adjusted the phone so that I was holding it to my ear with my shoulder to start getting dressed. "Anything for you."

"Are you ready yet?" Elliot asked, back down at a normal speaking level.

"Almost. Just getting dressed."

"Getting dressed?! Colton, we're coming to get you in like ten minutes!"

I winced at the sudden volume increase, although I should have been expecting it. "Relax, babe. I'll be ready and waiting when you get here. Don't worry."

Ten minutes later, when the Reynolds arrived, I totally wasn't as ready as I thought I would be. Maybe I should have started getting ready sooner.

"Colton!" I heard my dad shout. "They're here."

"Shit," I muttered. I probably would have been ready, if only I could find my shoes. What was it with shoes running away today?

I spun around, trying to scan every inch of my room when my eyes landed on my boyfriend. He was standing in the doorway with his arms crossed, watching me.

"I can't find my shoes," I admitted. I could feel myself blush as he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Did you check under your bed? Shoes have a habit of ending up under there."

I rolled my eyes, but checked anyway. And sure enough, there they were.

When I stood back up, with my shoes in my hand, I blushed even deeper under his smirk that he now wore. "What?" I asked, if only to try to get him to stop looking at me like that.

"Put them on, Colton. We're running late."

Dropping the shoes to the floor, I took the three steps that separated us and pulled him closer to me. We could spare a few more seconds for a kiss, right?

Apparently not.

Elliot backed up before it could happen. "You're great, Colton, really. But we really need to leave. I'll kiss you later."

I pouted, but he didn't give me a chance to reply, or totally steal a kiss, before he was walking passed me and into my room. He grabbed my phone off my bed and stuck it into his own pocket. Then, picking up my shoes in one hand, he grabbed my own with his other and started pulling me down the hallway, to where his mom was waiting, talking to my dad.

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