Chapter 13

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I stared at my phone, reading the text Colton sent me yet again. Can we talk once I'm out of practice? I hadn't even opened it yet, not sure what to say back to him.

Two days. I had a boyfriend for two days, and already he wants to break up with me.

What else could that text mean?

Was it my fault?

Was I not good enough for him?

I wanted to talk to someone about this, but right now, I was the only one home. Mama wouldn't get home for another hour, and Mom an hour after her.

I contemplated calling Josh, cause he would know what to say. But I couldn't tell him, because then he'll talk to Kyle.

Maybe this was why they didn't want us dating in the first place. Did they know that Colton was just going to break my heart? Maybe I should have listened to Josh, I always had before and he's always been right.

Who else could I talk to about this? Alyssa wouldn't be any help, and Kris was always super busy with law school and now planning her wedding. But she would know what to say...

I sighed and called her anyway. If she was busy, then she'd tell me.

"Hello?" a voice said. It was way too masculine to be my sister's voice.

"Hi. Justin?" Who else would be answering Kris's phone but her fiance? "It's Elliot."

"Oh, hey. How are you doing?" Now that he said a few more words, I could tell that it was definitely Justin.

"Alright. Is Kris around? I really need to talk to her."

"Uh..." He paused for a second. "Yeah. Let me go get her."

"Okay," I said, hearing what sounded like him getting up and moving around.

"So I heard you got a boyfriend," Justin said. Why couldn't he just find Kris already? Their house wasn't that big! "That's exciting."

I sighed. "Yeah." For now, at least. "I really like him." Which was still very much true, even if he didn't like me anymore.

"Good, good. Here's Kris. It was nice talking to you, Elliot."

Before I had a chance to reply, Kris was talking to me. "Baby brother! How are you doing?"

"Kris, I need your advice."

"Oh no. What's wrong, El?"

It took me a moment before I could get anything out, but then I was telling her everything. By the end, which really didn't take long to get to considering there wasn't that much to tell, I was crying.

"He's going to break up with me, isn't he?"

"Don't say that! You don't know if he is or not. I think what you need to do is hear him out. More than likely he's afraid. This is all new to him, right? The gay thing?"

I rolled my eyes, blinking away the tears. "Yes, except he's bi, not gay."

"Right, sorry. But he's new to all these feelings. This weekend might have been great for him, but going back to school today was probably a huge reality check for him."

"So he is going to break up with me!"

Kris sighed and I could picture her shaking her head. "That's not what I'm saying." She paused for a second. "Let Colton explain himself to you. I'm sure that's all he wants to do."

I groaned and fell back onto my bed. "Why are boys so confusing?"

Kris let out a chuckle. "I think all people are confusing in their own way. But yeah, boys are confusing as hell." I rolled my eyes again, but didn't say anything. "Seriously, though. You really like this Colton kid, right?"

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