Chapter 3

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The first thing my dad asked me when he picked me up was, naturally, how my first day at school went. I was going to roll my eyes at him and complain about how I missed my old friends and all that fun stuff, but that was the plan before the day got better. AKA when I met Lindsey in third period.

I practically started bouncing in my seat. "I made the soccer team! I might not hate it here as much as I thought I would."

Dad shook his head, but smiled. "I'm glad. So did you meet anyone interesting?"

"Yeah." I started telling him about Lindsey and Henry. And then, when I mentioned Elliot, he said what I was least expecting him to say.

"Kyle told me about him the other day. It's good that you met each other."

"Wait. Kyle told you? Why didn't he tell me?" I dumped my backpack onto the kitchen table, which actually had homework that I needed to do in it. Who gave homework on the first day of school? That totally wasn't fair.

"I don't know, Colton. But what do you want for dinner? Burgers sound good?"

"Sure. I'm gonna shower real quick, cause I stink."

Dad nodded, starting to pull stuff out of the fridge. "I was just about to suggest that."

The entire time I was in the shower, I was trying to think of why Kyle didn't tell me. He totally still hates me, that's why. I did kinda ruin his life for a few months. Alright, it's been almost a year. But it's pretty much fixed now, at least both our parents don't hate him anymore, right? Actually, he should be grateful that he didn't have to do the whole coming out thing to them. I did it for him! Granted it was completely by accident that I blurted it out at the table during breakfast, but still.

I should call him. If he'd even answer me.

As soon as I was done washing up, and smelling nice and clean again, I jumped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist before heading to my room. Dad was still cooking, so I knew I had time. I picked up my phone and called my brother.

He answered after four rings. "Hey, Cole. What's up?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I blurted as I found a pair of shorts to wear.

"Tell you what?" He sounded totally confused about it.

"Josh's brother goes to my new school."

"I did tell you about Elliot, Cole. The other day. When I talked to you. Remember?"

I thought for a moment before the memory came to me. He had called me when I was in the middle of packing up my bedroom. I wasn't paying much attention. Okay, no. I was totally not listening when he was talking to me.

"Oh. Yeah... I may not have been listening. Sorry." He scoffed, and I could imagine him shaking his head at me. "Don't hate me. I know I'm a shit brother."



"I don't hate you, Colton," he said. "But I take it you met Elliot? How's he doing?"

"Fine, I think. We didn't really talk all that long. But I have a question." I stopped, not sure if I should actually ask it or not. The thought had been pushed out of my head while I tried to figure out why Kyle wouldn't tell me. But now that that's solved... I sighed and went ahead with it anyway. "Is he gay? I'm pretty sure I saw him checking me out."

Kyle was speechless for a minute. "Um, not that I'm aware of. Hold on." It sounded like he covered the speaker with his hand and started talking to someone else. Most likely Josh.

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