Laser eyes make Luke's head kaboom!

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Luke Walker at the side

~~Laser eyes make Luke's head kaboom!~~

"Hello? Axel, are you there?" Luke and Jackson looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to say something to Zoe. Until of course they realised I was damn near paralyzed and Luke sighed, exasperated with me and snatched the phone out of my hand. "Hello? Zoe? Yeah, sorry about that but Axel's kind of being an idiot right now by getting paralyzed when he heard your voice so he can't come to the phone." There were a few seconds while he was listening to her answer and I was imagining lasers coming out of my eyes and exploding his head into little tiny pieces. And then he talked. "Oh yeah, hmm well this is Axel handsome brunette friend that helped him clean the floors of your cafe the day he asked for a job." Another pause. "Now you know who I am right?" Slightly longer pause. "Oh, you wanna know why Axel called you so abruptly?" Pause. "Well he was meaning to ask you out on a date for Friday night at 6:00 p.m. but he got to nervous and couldn't speak properly." Pause with laser eyes again. "Great! I'll tell him then" Pause with anxious waiting by yours truly. "Okay, bye then Zoe!" And the douche hangs up MY phone and gives it back to me calmly before sitting down on the beanbag that sits in our dorm. "Well?!" He raises an eyebrow at me before rolling his eyes. "Well what?" Idiot. "Well what did she say?!" He looks at Jackson with a 'seriously' look to which he just shrugs at. "You will pick her up Friday at 6:00 p.m. at her apartment to which she will text you the address later on." I state at him for a few seconds slightly bewildered before slowly nodding my head. "Okay then."

Filler chapter. Sorry it's so short!

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