A Crest Alpha and a halfbreed mates, that can't be!! Chapter 4 part2

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recap: "Alpha her wrists are bleeding!!! She's hurt, she's loosing too much blood and she's unconscious!! Alpha help her or get out of the way!!" Lilly yelled at me urgent and hurt. 

What's she talking about?? Charlotte's fine, isn't she???

'No Damon, she isn't!!! Charlotte hasn't been fine for years now Damon!! Her inner wolf's barely holding on as it is. the awakening and the pack ceremony have taken their toll on both her body and inner wolf. They are weak Damon...' Dante said very glum.

While I was talking to Dante Lilly had called 10 pack warriors and some nurses over to the stage to help her with Charlotte and prepare the OR. 2 of my pack warriors took Charlotte away on a gurney, leaving me there standing like an idiot. The further away from me that they got with her the more clearer I could hear it, her heart beats are getting fainter and slower by the minute. How could I have not noticed this earlier???

'You're dense to being with and you were soo focused on all those different scents that were in that shamble of a room that she was kept in that you couldn't notice.' Dante said sighting in defeat and angry at me for being stupid.

I went after them numbly, not understanding even one bit of what has just happened here. Once outside the OR doors I felt anger overtake me.

"Let me in!!" I yelled as hard as I could, once the doors were shut right in front of me.

"No can do Alpha. Doc made us stand guard here to make sure that you don't disturb her." Tyler, 1 of the 10 pack warriors that stood guard in front of the closed OR doors, where my mate lay unconscious said in an apologetic tone.

"Yeah, Doc said that none is to disturb her." Sean said looking at me sorry.

I don't need their pity!!! I don't need their apologies or excuses!!! What I need is my mate!! I need to see that she's alive and well!!!

'Calm down shmuck, I'll go and stay with her.' Dante said sighting in defeat.

Then I felt him leave both my mind and my body. I sat down on the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting hall and felt myself being consumed by despair and anger. If she doesn't wake up it'll all be my fault! I forced her into doing the ceremony now, just 'cause I felt jealous, of Jeremy, her family and of all the different male scents in that retched shoe hole of a room that they had put her in. I could've waited a day, heck I could've waited 5 years if I had to, but no, I had to be an idiot and ruin everything, especially when I knew that she's already injured.

It seamed like an eternity had passed from when she was taken away, till Lilly walked out of the OR bloody and more exhausted then I have ever seen her in my life.

"Lilly?" I asked her hopeful, looking up at her, hoping for a positive answer from her.

"We need to talk, all of us. I'll be right back, I need caffeine." Lilly said beyond exhausted and dead serious at the same time.

I nodded and she left. Lilly came back in the waiting hall 10 minutes later, with a large black coffee in her left hand.

"Now I want all 11 of you to hear me out." Lilly said dead serious and the 10 pack warriors that she had selected earlier came and sat down on the chairs around us.

"Just talk already!" Sean said impatient.

"1st of all I want you all to look after Charlotte, after our Luna." Lilly said with a serene smile on her face at the mention of my mate.

A Crest Alpha and A Half-breed, Mates?? That can't be!!Where stories live. Discover now