Chapter 5: School and pain: I: Charlotte's P.O.V.:

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I was woken up from peaceful darkness by voices, by more someones talking around me, and they are getting loud, fast. I opened my eyes to see what the commotion is all about and I'm actually surprised to find out that I'm in hospital bed, an actual bed... I looked around and I'm all hooked up t monitors, with different tubes and needles sticking in and out of me everywhere, if it wasn't for Alpha Damon's scent that lingers around I'd think that someone was doing experiments on me, not that they would have much left with what t work with. This body of mine is weak and damaged goods. Great, just F great!!! I really hate hospitals!!! Too much disinfectant!!! I got soo pissed off for being left alone in this state and for them waking me up, 'cause they can't shut up that all the tube and needles flew out of me and the whole equipment blew up. Now, that's better, much better!! Before I had time to think any further, Lilly, 10 pack warriors and Alpha Damon busted into the room worried and looking for the danger. That's reassuring, not. At lest they want to keep their Luna in one piece.

"What the??" Alpha Damon asked confused, not seeing danger.

"Now, can I leave?" I asked Lilly annoyed.

"Luna, you can't even stand up on your own, much less go anywhere." Lilly said very worried.

Yeah, right! I got out of bed and it's okay, I can walk, but it hurts like hell. Oh, well, can't stay here all day and be lazy. I have to move around, that's how I've always been, not saying that I'm Ms. Energy and want to do sports and clean everything up, but walking around at my slow pace is not bad, no, not bad at all.

"Luna!!" Lilly said panicking, as they all felt my pain.

I am their Luna now, so the whole pack has a front row seat at my pain and the rest of my emotions. This is actually helpful, since I can ignore my pain by making one of them or all of them take most of it. Helpful indeed....

"It's nothing, really." I said nodding.

"Get back in bed!!" Alpha Damon said stern.

"Like hell you're going to keep me locked up in a hospital, Alpha Damon!" I said ticked off and continued slowly walking to the room door.

"You will do as you are told, or else!!!" Alpha Damon roared at me enraged.

"Really?? And what more can you do to me that hasn't already been done?? Rape me??? Just step aside and let me pass." I growled at him angry, in my alpha tone.

He stubbornly did as he wanted and blocked my way. Before could yell at him some more I felt it, a demon. He is on the pack's land and judging by his power level grandma sent him. I side stepped Alpha Damon easily and ran out of the retched hospital room buzzing with happiness and energy. I got to the front door of the pack house and before I could open it, the front door burst open with the boarder patrol surrounding him, surrounding Cameron Twinthrow, he's part of the clan guard.

"You?" I asked disappointed, all of my happy free energy from earlier dying down.

"Yes, me Charlotte. Now tell these dogs to let go already, they are getting on my nerves." Cameron hissed at them angry.

"I wanted Milo!" I complained upset.

"No can do, he is off with him in Japan." Cameron said cocky.

"Why does he always have to ruin everything??" I asked annoyed.

"'cause he is the one in charge, Charlotte you know this as well as the rest of us." Cameron said getting very annoyed with the mutts very fast.

A Crest Alpha and A Half-breed, Mates?? That can't be!!Where stories live. Discover now