Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Chase was having the most wonderful dream. He didn't remember dreaming much from his regeneration in the sleep tube, so this one was very vivid...

He was in a big, soft bed with his hunky adopted brother Adam, and the big guy was cuddling with him naked (oh wow, why are we naked? And why does this feel so good?), their bodies pressed together, and they were kind of caressing each other's backs, and his head was nestled in the crook of Adam's neck. It was comforting, but it was also starting to get... exciting. Adam was running his fingers through his thick hair, just like he wished he would (I am such a pathetic little girl!). He realized he had an erection and Adam did too, they were pressed against each other's bellies as they pushed their bodies together.

Then Adam's hand slipped down to his butt and squeezed one of his glutes. When he moaned, Adam whispered, "I... really like you, Chase. I have for a long time." His voice sounded so cute and nervous, different from the usual boyish goofy Adam.

And he heard himself answering, "Adam, I never thought you'd like me that way. I really like you too, but I was scared to say anything."

"Really? No way, you like big dumb me?" Then Adam squeezed him and kind of wriggled against him provocatively, making Chase gasp.

"Yeah, I do, yah big dummy." He smiled and kissed Adam lightly on the neck, as he felt their bodies together getting aroused in ways he was not really experienced with...

"I'm Baaaa-aaack!" Eddy's annoying voice filled the room. "What's going on, guys?"

Chase's eyes flew open and he realized that, oh gosh, maybe it was not a dream at all!? Or was it? Or part of it? He and Adam were in bed with their arms around each other, buck naked, and Chase was more or less lying on top of Adam. He was...nuzzling... Adam's neck, he had his arms around his big strong brother, and he could feel one of Adam's hands on his butt, and the other was kind of caressing his hair, which was almost as nice. And most damning of all, he could tell they both were... excited. Oh, geeze. Oh, man, this is so embarrassing. I know Adam was warming my body to save me, but he's asleep and maybe has his hand on my butt unconsciously, and teenage guys get random erections in their sleep...

He felt Adam suddenly move his hand up off his butt, and he was actually kind of disappointed. "Oh, Chase, I'm so sorry." Adam whispered, shifting nervously.

"It's okay, no, Adam, um, actually-"

"When you kids are through fooling around, we have a little bit of a situation here!" Eddy barked at them.

They both jumped at the loud annoying voice and poked their heads up from under the covers. They glared at the stupid animated panel that was the interface for Eddy, the house's artificial intelligence. "You could use your laser vision and fry him." Chase whispered, and Adam grinned at him.

"I heard that!" Eddy snapped. "This is serious!"

"Okay, Eddy." Chase sighed, unwilling to move from his very fun if still kind of awkward position with Adam, "What's the situation?"

"You want the short version or the long version?" Eddy asked.

"Short!" "Long!" Adam and Chase said at the same time.

"Coulda guessed that. Anyway, short version, Marcus tried to bump off you guys by trapping you in your tubes and making them malfunction, and he's basically kidnapped Davenport and the others."

Chase felt Adam's arms tighten protectively around him as he asked, "Kill us? Really? That's awfully serious. Why would he do that? And why didn't it work?"

"I dunno, maybe he thought you guys would be a threat to his evil schemes so he decided to get rid of you? And you guys need to remember, you don't legally exist on any database anywhere, you were orphans that Davenport saved from probably dying in locations even I don't know, and the bionics he implanted in you are, well, experimental, even though they saved your lives and made you super-human. So Marcus could kill you and there would be no legal record."

Chase and Adam looked at each other then. They both had kind of figured something like that, though Davenport had never really explained it to them. In that moment they felt even closer to each other, and hugged a little tighter. It was as if they were alone in the world, and all they had was each other to know they even existed right now.

"And it may have something to do with your new bionics that Marcus did not know about that saved you before the program completed. Chase, you woke up before your tube could freeze you to death, and Adam's tube was going to poison him or something. Just guessin.'" Eddy did a little digital shrug. "And should I even ask why you two are naked in bed together and according to my sensors, feeling each other up?" Eddy asked sarcastically.

"No!" They shouted in unison.

"Ohhh-kay! Teenage males! None of my business! Wait till I tell Davenport! The look on his face will be price-less!"

Adam looked horrified, but Chase rolled his eyes. "I was hypothermic, and you told Adam to warm me up. And besides, I don't think he'll care much if we rescue him from Marcus and whatever scheme he's behind."

"True, and true." Eddy sounded disappointed. "But I will add that I am pretty sure Marcus is working for someone else, and maybe not willingly. I was monitoring his vital signs when he was here and he was very stressed."

"Okay, Eddy, that's good. But don't forget, I know how to reprogram you, so if you don't play nice, I can just start deleting random blocks of memory until I get the right one."

"Heehee!" Adam grinned, put his hand back on Chase's butt and gave it a little squeeze. Chase couldn't help smiling.

"Ouch!" Eddy whined.

"So can you leave us alone to get dressed, and we'll meet you in the lab in a few minutes."

"Fine!" Eddy snapped, and his interface went off.

"Think he's still watching us?" Adam whispered.

"I would assume he's always watching us." Chase sighed, settling back down onto his bionic brother.

"So... feeling better?" Adam ventured.

"Yeah, much better."

"Then maybe, we should... talk about stuff?" Adam looked at the ceiling.

"Well... I was having this really awesome dream just before Eddy woke us up." Chase put his hand on Adam's muscular shoulder.

"Really? I think I was having a really nice dream too!" Adam said it with such sincerity that for a moment Chase wondered if his brother got it, or really thought it was a dream. Then Adam grinned at him. And then he said, "And by the way, may I say, you have the most amazing butt."

"Adam!" Chase tried to pretend to look shocked, while he felt himself blushing. Then he just dropped his head into the crook of Adam's neck and he felt his big brother put his other arm around him as they spent a minute nervously sighing and giggling. Then Chase got his nerve up and kissed Adam on the neck. He could feel Adam swallowing.

"That was nice." Adam whispered. Then he maneuvered around so he could look Chase in the eyes, brown meeting hazel. "Bro, I don't know what is going on, but I just have to tell you, okay? And I just hope you aren't creeped out or something-"

"Adam, I just kissed you on the neck. I don't think you are gonna creep me out."

"Okay. Well." Adam blinked a couple of times. "Yeah and it was nice, but I hope this would be better..." He pulled Chase to him, and planted a big kiss on his little brother's soft, full lips.

Chase just sort of whimpered and put his arms around Adam while his older brother held him tight. And he kissed back as hard as he could. It was a little messy at first; neither guy had really kissed anybody before, much less another guy. But, they learned fast.

And then Adam put his fingers through Chase's hair... and just when things were getting good... all hell broke loose.

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