Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Lab Rats: Boys unite Part 4

Chase just sort of whimpered and put his arms around Adam while his older brother held him tight. And he kissed back as hard as he could. It was a little messy at first; neither guy had really kissed anybody before, much less another guy. But, they learned fast.

And when Adam put his fingers through Chase's hair... all hell broke loose.

Chase couldn't believe this, like his most secret dream come true: he and Adam had their arms round each other, kissing more and more intimately. Adam was pulling Chase close and they were both getting really excited... And just when Chase was thinking that things were going perfect, his super bionic hearing picked up a strange high-pitched whine. It sounded faint and far away, but it was getting closer fast... Oh, no. "Adam hold tight!" He hollered.

"Uh, sure bro-" Adam held on.

Then Eddy came back on- "Get Out-!" He started to screech.

But Chase had already figured it out. Something, maybe a drone or missile or something long range, was headed straight for their bedroom, probably locked on to their body heat.

Chase grabbed onto Adam and activated his Force Field just in time, enveloping them both in a sphere of energy and protecting them from the exploding glass wall and the fiery blast that engulfed the room.

Chase held the field as long has he could, then when he was out of strength, he dropped it and collapsed onto Adam.

Adam took a moment to realize what just happened, but then there were he and Chase, lying on the circular remnant of what was left of their bed, with the rest of the room in smoldering ruins. "Well done, dude!" Adam smiled up at his little brother. "I owe you one."

Chase smiled weakly down at his brother. "I think we're even. But we need to get down to the lab..."

"Adam!" Eddy yelled from the hall where he still had a working interface. "Chase is weak from using his Force Field! You guys get down to the Lab, it's protected like a bunker. It's not safe up here."

"Geeze, no kidding." Adam muttered. He tossed the remnants of the covers onto the floor towards the door to protect his feet, easily picked up his semi-conscious brother and carried him down to the lab complex deep underground. He got Chase into a bed in the emergency quarters, and went looking for clothes. Unfortunately, since their tubes generated clothes for the bionic kids, there was nothing but stuff for Davenport, which was a little big on Chase, and way too small for Adam. He grabbed a couple of robes anyway and went back to his brother.

He found Chase sitting on the bed, wrapped in a blanket, shivering and looking terrified. "What is going on? This is crazy! I mean going on dangerous missions is one thing, but someone is trying to kill us! We need to find out what's going on."

"Well here's a robe at least, it's all I could find." Adam said, helping Chase into one, while he struggled into another. Chase's was a little baggy, but Adam's was almost obscene, as it was so short and tight on him. "Does this look stupid?" He asked.

"Naw, it looks... cute." Chase smirked. "Now let's go to the lab."

They went down the hall to the main lab, where Eddy already had some maintenance bots repairing the tubes and other equipment.

"Glad you guys are okay." Eddy actually sounded sincere. "If Chase hadn't activated his Force Field just then, you both would have been crispy critters."

Chase slumped into the chair in front of Davenport's main computer console. "So Eddy what was that?"

"It was some kind of drone with a small warhead; I am still trying to track the source. All I know is that Davenport doesn't deal in military hardware like that, so it isn't something he built."

Labrats: Boys uniteWhere stories live. Discover now