Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

After a few more minutes of incredible sensations, Chase couldn't take it any more. He gently pulled Adam off of his dick and guided his older brother up so they were face to face.

"Was I doing it okay?" Adam looked concerned.

"It was way better than okay, but I want to take a turn."

"Actually that's great, because, bro, it's harder than they make it look! My jaw muscles kinda hurt!" Adam comically worked his jaw back and forth.

"Aww! Sorry!" Chase smiled and ran his hand over his brother's strong jawline. "Davenport should have made them bionic too."

"It's not so bad. Actually, I like doing it for you. And by the way, now I would mean it... I mean, like, from back when we were competing to be 'Student of the Semester' and I said you were scrumptious." Adam said with a grin.

Even super-smart Chase took a second to remember and then decipher what Adam was trying to say. "Um, you meant it then, or you mean it now? And you think... I taste good?"

"Um, I think I mean that, I kinda knew what the word meant, and maybe I said it by accident-on-purpose. Because, you were so cute trying to outdo me, and I was realizing that I had a crush on you." Adam paused for a second and his cheeks reddened. "And, I didn't want to hurt your feelings, but I also wanted to prove that I wasn't so stupid."

"Adam, you are so sweet." Chase sighed, pulling his big brother down in a hug.

"Oh and I know you let me win." Adam whispered.

"No, you deserved to win. I was a jerk."

"Well, maybe a little bit. A cute little doll-sized jerk." Adam grinned, tickling Chase and making the smaller youth giggle and squirm.

They were silent for a moment. Adam rolled over to the side so he didn't squash Chase under him.

When he did though, Chase gently pushed him over onto his back. "My turn." He said softly, before kissing Adam on one of his big round nipples. Then he began to lick it while massaging the hunky guy's other pec.

"Hmm, that feels nice." Adam purred.

While still licking and sucking on Adam's nipple, he ran his hand down over his brother's tight abs, further down till he found his brother's hard cock sticking up. He wrapped his hand around it and squeezed very gently.

"Ohhh!" Adam gasped and arched his back up a little. Then as Chase started stroking him, he made little moaning-whimpering sounds and his legs began to shake. "Dude! Oh gosh!" He combed his fingers into Chase's thick spiky brown hair, caressing his brother's scalp.

As Chase slipped his finger down to Adam's butt , the older boy spread his legs out wide, letting Chase probe a little bit back there.

"Oh yeah, bro, it kinda tickles, but it also feels really wild." Adam said softly.

Chase kept sucking his older brother, pausing every once in awhile to lick the tip and get a little drop of sweet-tasting precum. Adam's cock was so hard and Chase could feel his heartbeat in it as he held the shaft. It's so cool that I'm making Adam feel so good, and I am kind of in charge of it. My big hunky brother is at my mercy! Chase rubbed his fingertip right on Adam's little puckered butt-hole, and his brother gasped and arched his back, causing his cock to go deeper in Chase's mouth.

"Oh, jeeze! Dude, you are gonna make me cum!" Adam sighed, settling back down.

Chase raised his head up. "Well, um, how do you want to do it?" He smiled.

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