Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Lab Rats: Boys unite

Adam grinned. "See! I just had this feeling that 'innocent little tiny Chase' might like it. I'd never hurt you bro." He pulled Chase tight to his big muscular body, cupping his butt. "And when you feel better who knows what we can do."

As he was in a happy, horny delirium, it occurred to Chase as he drifted off again, exhausted but happy, How could Adam have thought that? Could one of his new powers be some kind of Telepathy or Empathic contact? Oh, man.

Chapter Five

Chase had wanted to make out more, but Adam, showing amazing restraint, said that he needed to rest awhile like Eddie said, and there was always later. Then he pulled Chase around so they were spooned together in the big soft bed in the bunker bedroom. Chase made a few little protesty sounds, but in seconds, he was asleep in Adam's strong arms.

Sometime later, Adam woke up in the dimly-lit bedroom deep underground the Davenport house. He smiled as he felt his cute little step-brother sleeping spooned against him. I still can't believe Chase and I are naked in bed together, and we kissed... Adam shivered just remembering how wonderful it was to just kiss Chase. He'd never kissed anybody before, and it was kind of strange at first, but then all of a sudden, he felt like his whole body was going crazy, and he had to be sure to cut off his bionics or he might hurt his little brother. Then it was just awesome, feeling Chase's body while they made out. Adam giggled a little to himself just at the thought. Chase and I made out!

And now Chase was against him, and Adam could just lean over and kiss the young hunk on his perfect neck. But I should let him sleep, poor little guy. He saved my life already twice today! I feel terrible, I should be taking care of him, since I am older, but he is the smart one. I couldn't blame him if he didn't like me as much.

Adam sighed and decided he would try to enjoy this and do his best to protect Chase. Who knew how long they would have this special time together? The whole situation with Davenport and Bree and Leo was all too far away for him to think about right now; he just wanted his brother to be safe, and get better, then Chase would know what to do about the other stuff.

Having grown up in the Davenport house, even though he had always 'slept' in his tube before, this room felt nicer and safer than the upstairs bedroom to Adam. It was deep underground near the lab, and the walls were all reinforced concrete. But it was a big king-sized bed with soft green sheets and a nice fluffy comforter. They had plenty of food and water, and a really nice shower... Hmmm, showering with Chase... And the doors to the suites were reinforced steel that could stand up to almost anything. We could hold out here forever, just Chase and me.

Adam unconsciously smiled to himself as he felt Chase spooned up against his body again. Every once in awhile his little brother would make the cutest little boy-sound and squirm up against him; it kinda made him crazy, like he wanted to do more, but he wasn't sure what Chase would want to do with him.

Adam had his arm around his little brother, fingers splayed against Chase's pecs. He loved feeling Chase's chest rise and fall against his hand as he breathed. I wish we could sleep like this every night forever, but I guess as soon as everything goes back to normal it will be back to our tubes. Chase feels so nice... Adam couldn't resist sliding his fingers lightly over his brother's hot chest, playing with his nipples when he found one with a fingertip. When he felt Chase's breath hitch, he'd stop and wait for his slow even breathing to return. Then he worked slowly down over the ridges of Chase's tight hard abs... then the back of his hand bumped against something. Oh wow, Chase has an erection? Adam felt a little guilty, but he couldn't resist sliding his fingers down further until he touched the soft little patch of curls at the base of his brother's dick. Oh man, I shouldn't be doing this, Adam thought as he very lightly moved his hand out and wrapped it around the base of Chase's erection. Wow, it's huge! I can barely get my hand around it. Adam felt his own dick get hard, pressing against Chase's back. He gently moved his hand up the shaft, trembling a little as he felt the warm tender skin under his fingers. It pulsed against his hand, almost like it had a mind of its own and was eager for him to touch it. Finally, he made it to the end, where he found Chase's foreskin partially retracted, and the tip of his big mushroom glans was wet. Wow, Chase is a monster! He knew that the moisture was precum, and as he touched it with his thumb, in his horny teenage mind he wondered what it tasted like. Saving that for later, he gently took hold of his brother's shaft and began to slide the foreskin up and down just a little.

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