Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Lab Rats: Boys unite

Author Note: IMHO there hasn't been nearly enough Marcus on the show, though we finally got an episode recently where we see his lair and find out that his master is his creepy father.

Chapter Eight

Chase and Adam lay naked, tangled in the sheets of their big bed in the Davenport house bunker deep underground. It had only been a couple of days since they had escaped from their deadly trap in the tubes, but it seemed like a week. A week of worry and fear... and bliss. They'd kept cheking in, but Eddy had kept saying they should stay safe in the bunker. So they worked out... and had fun.

As they slept this time, Chase was spooning behind Adam, one arm wrapped around his big brother's chest and his face against Adam's neck.

Little did they know that Marcus, having imprisoned the other members of the household at his creator's secret island hideout, was nearly back to the Davenport house via their own jet.

The teen squirmed in his seat as he watched the clip of Chase walking naked through the lab over and over. He's so fucking hot; I have got to have him! Adam is pretty sexy too; I'd do them both, but Chase... he's a work of art. Marcus rubbed his hard cock through his jeans. I have to have him... I will have him... whether he wants it or not. Marcus' eyes glowed green as he tried to control his bionics.

Adam rolled over to face his brother and pulled the smaller youth to him like some kind of living teddy bear. "Hmmm Chasey." Adam mumbled, writhing around in his sleep while trying to cuddle his smaller brother.

Chase, caught in his big brother's grip, was awake instantly, "Adam! Wake up! You're squeezing me!" He gasped. It wasn't really painful yet, but he was worried that Adam might use his super-strength in his sleep without realizing it. Maybe there's a reason we sleep in those tubes, but I'm sure we can adjust. I love sleeping like this with Adam. Mostly...

"Oh, sorry bro!" Adam looked at his little brother, fear in his eyes. "Did I hurt you?"

Chase could not keep from smiling, his face inches from his handsome brother's. "No, I'm fine, but you got really cuddly in your sleep."

"Cause my little Chasey is so cuddle-able!" Adam play-grabbed Chase, rolling them around together on the big bed.

"Adam!" Chase hollered, but he was laughing as his strong brother flung him about. They came to rest side by side, faces close again. For a minute they just looked at each other as they caught their breath.

"Dude, you have the most perfect lips." Chase smiled at Adam, amazed at how such a macho guy could have such pretty, full lips.

"Waiting for you to kiss 'em!" Adam said sounding a little impatient, then puckering comically.

"Well, okay." Chase leaned in and planted one on Adam's perfect mouth.

There followed several minutes of giggling and making out, which developed into more intense groping and grabbing and licking, until Chase breathlessly said, "Adam I want you..."

Adam looked at his lover with a confused face. "Want me what?"

"I want you..." Chase was feeling shy actually saying it. "I want you to... take me."

But Adam just grinned. "Sure bro! I promise I'll go real easy like you did with me." He slid his hand down over Chase's flat stomach and wrapped his hand around the younger teen's big hard cock.

"Oh, geeze." Chase sighed and trembled. "I know you will be, I'm just still a little nervous."

"We don't have to if you don't want to!" Adam assured him. "No pressure dude! And you can fuck me again if you want, I loved it!" He grinned comically.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2013 ⏰

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