2. Getting ready

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"Good morning ma'am! My name is Harry Styles and I want to make an appointment. Yes, today at 1 it's perfect. Sure, thank you. Have a nice day!"

"Hi! I want an appointment for today if possible? For a haircut yes. Before 1 p.m. please? 11 a.m. sounds perfect thank you! Have a good day!"

Well appointments are done. I need to eat something quickly and then get ready. I went downstairs where I found a note from Louis. It said: "I'm gone to pick up Freddie and Briana. We're going shopping. See you later. Xo"

Oh well that's amazing. I didn't left him any note... I was so sick of this. I don't really have a problem with his baby, but the situation itself sucks. Whatever that's only my opinion.

I made a whole lot of breakfast knowing that will be the last tasty one that I will have for a long time. I have a vague idea that the food will be awful in the camp. I don't know. At least I hope it won't be. I then cleaned everything and went upstairs to take a shower and dress up.

The warm water droplets fell on my face, stroking my cheeks, it felt so good. The fresh scent of my shower body wash surrounded my bathroom and went straight up my nose trills.
Ah it felt so good.

Then I got out of the shower and dried up. I went to my room and picked up some black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. Then I picked up the papers that I had to give to my doctor to fill up but then I thought that I better come back home after the haircut and take a shower again. So I left them on the counter supposing that Louis will come home later.

I went ahead and cut my hair short. And then I thought why wouldn't I do a good thing out of this and donate my tail to some association that makes natural hair figs.. I knew one here in London so I went there and donated my hair.They really appreciated it.

After that I went back to my car about to head home when my phone buzzed. It was Liam.

"Hey curly, what's up?"
"Not too much.. what about you?"
"Eeh I was a little bored. I'm in London right now and I thought maybe we could meet?"
"Yeah well I can't right now. I have something to do first. But I think after that I'll be free."
"Harry what are you up to?"
"I can't tell you right now. But maybe tonight.. I don't know.. I'm quite busy lately."
"Harry.. you know you can talk to me."
"Yeah I know.. but I can't talk about this through phone. Meet me at the café around 3 ok?"
"Ok sure. See you there."

So now I have to explain myself to Liam. Maybe I should gather all kf the boys tonight and say goodbye to them. What if I'm not coming back. I really should that. I called Liam back.

"Hei it's me again. Listen can you call Niall and have him at mine tonight around 6? Is he in London?"
"Yeah yeah he is. I'll call him."
"Okay then I'll talk to Louis."
"Ok see ya there."

I've arrived home and quickly took another shower. I dressed up in the same pair of jeans and a white shirt, rolled up the sleeves and put my boots on. Then I picked up the papers and went to the hospital.

There they had me tested for a lot of stuff and it turned out that I am able to take part to anything that will come upon us. So I went back to the car and called the sergent that came yesterday to my moms door. He said that a recruitment team will come and pick me up from home at 6 in the morning on the day after tomorrow. So this will be the last day or mostly night that I have for me and Louis. How do I tell him such news?

I tried to call him and tell him to come home but his phone was dead.. so I had to call Briana..

"Uhm Hi.. it's Harry, listen I wouldn't disturb you if it wasn't kind of an emergency. Is Louis with you? I called him but his phone's dead."
"Hi Harry.. no problem. Louis is not here."
"But he said you guys will go shopping together."
"Yeah we were but we finished earlier and he said he will go see Danielle."
"Oh okay. Thanks then. Sorry again, goodbye, Briana. Kiss little Freddie from me."
"I will but why are you talking like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you're about to do something.. bad."
"I'm not. Whatever, goodbye. "

So he is with Danielle. Great. Spend the night with her and you'll hardly ever see me again. I talked to Liam after that and he said he and Niall will be at my place in an hour or two. So I had some time. I decided to go and say goodbye to Louis' family.

I ringed the door bell and waited for Jay to open the door patiently. With a click she opened it and I think she didn't expected to see me there.

"Harry darling! Come in!"
"Hello Jay, how are you?"
"Fine, did you cut your hair? Well obviously you did, but why?"
"I had to, and I also donated it to charity."
"How lovely! You are a great young man!"
"Yeah well I'm sorry for coming here uninvited but I came to say goodbye to you guys." I've said and she furrowed her brows.
"What do you mean? Did you guys broke up? Because if that's the reason I'll crack Louis head open."
"No no no, let the boy be! It's something else." I said looking to the floor and playing with my lower lip.
"What is it then?" She put her hand on my shoulder looking concerned.
"I was called to join the army for the upcoming war." I said wih a lower voice.
"Oh my God, Harry!! Why you from all those boys out there??"
"I've enrolled myself last year as reserve. Now that they need me they called. Don't worry, I'll be fine!"
"Oh darling.. does Louis know?"
"Not yet.. I went to the doctors today to see if I am able to fight."
"All the results were clear."
"Oh.. I really wish you shouldn't have to leave." She saddened. "And how much do you have left to stay?"
"Not that much. Tomorrow I'll be at my moms place and then the next morning they will come pick me up.
"Oh Harry.." she sighed sniffing. "But why do you leave so early? The war didn't even started. Maybe they will find a way to stop it."
"It's for sure Jay, it's coming unfortunately. I'm leaving for a preparation camp in Afghanistan first. Then we'll come home for a day or night it depends and then we'll depart to France."
"Oh Goodness Harry, poor little boy, come here." She hugged me so tight and then called for the girls to say goodbye to me too. Although Lottie didn't liked me that much she started to cry when she heard that I'm leaving to army. I said goodbye to everyone and hugged Jay one last time.
"Take care of you son, I'll miss you!"
"I'll miss you too. Stop crying, I'm not dying.. hopefully."
"Harry!" She laughed and then I climbed back in my car. Waved to all of them one last time and left.

 Waved to all of them one last time and left

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