Something's Not Right

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Shadow's POV

That same night

It's been at least an hour or so and (Y/N) didn't come to visit me yet. Something isn't right here. She couldn't be busy with anything. I was still thinking when smoke covered the floor and a dark figure rose up. "Mephilies!" "Why, hello Shadow" "What did you come here for?" "Just to see how you're doing. It seems like your princess hasn't visited you for a while." a light bulb went on in my head, "What did you do to her?!"

"Me, why I didn't do anything. She's just in my tower, getting ready for a personal coronation, to be my queen" "What?! Your queen?! She'll never do that!" "Yes she will, whether she likes it or not" and with that, he melted away.

"No! I've gotta get out of here!" I thought maybe using my Sacred Sword would weaken it, so I kept on hitting it until it bent enough so I could get through. I jumped out the window and started running. Hang on, (Y/N), I'm coming...

Your POV

I cried myself to sleep on the pillow. I was so alone. I wanted Shadow, I wanted him now. I need him. Please Shadow, save me.

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