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The same night

Shadow's POV

She brought me back. She was hugging me. Then I remembered what I wanted to ask her. "Hey, (Y/N), can I ask you something?" "Yeah?" "Listen, you saved my life. I love you with all my heart. You mean absolutely everything to me and I'd risk my life for you again just to keep you safe. I need you everyday of my life. So, will you marry me, (Y/N)?" she was crying, but with joy. "Oh, Shadow! Of course I will!" she hugged me and kissed my cheek. We got out of the tower and walked back home.

Back at the castle

We got to the castle, but unfortunately, (Y/N)'s parents and guards were waiting for us. "(Y/N), did you go out again?" "Yeah" "But you were forbidden to leave!" "It wasn't my fault! It was... Mephilies" "Mephilies?!" "Yes. I was in my room and he captured me and locked me in his tower. But luckily for me, Sir Lancelot saved me" "Is this true, Lancelot?" I answered, "Yes" her parents turned to her and said, "(Y/N), we've decided. The rule for you being forbidden to leave the castle is officially lifted." she looked like she was bursting with joy. "Are you serious? You're letting me go outside? Yes!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!"

"As for the other rule... We still deciding" "Yeah, about that, there's something we have to tell you" she looked at me and I nodded. "Mom, Dad. Lancelot and I... Got engaged" and the guards actually started clapping. "But the rule..." "Mom, please may we have your blessings? I really love Lancelot... " they turned to me. "Lancelot, do you promise to take good care of her?" "Of course, your majesty" "Then you have our blessings" and (Y/N) was even more happy. "Thank you so much!" and she hugged her parents. Then she came to me and kissed me passionately.

A few months later

We finished saying our vows and then, Nimue said, "Do you, Lancelot, take (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do" "And do you, (Y/N), take Lancelot to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do" "Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" I immediately lifted up (Y/N)'s veil, and passionately kissed her, and everyone clapped and cheered. "I love you, Lancelot" "I love you too, (Y/N)"

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