You Ruined My Life

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Your POV

We walked back to the castle and climbed up the wall. Never in my life have I ever been so happy before. We got into my room and we heard a voice say, "Seize them" and things were chaos. Shadow was grabbed by some guards and I was grabbed by my parents. Shadow and I tried to reach for each other's hands but we were separated. My siblings were there, along with the Knights of the Round Table.

"Young lady, you are in big trouble" said Mom. I saw Shadow at the corner of my eye, watching the scene, worried as I was before my parents. "Did you go outside?" "Uh..." " Don't try lying to us" "Okay, yes, we did go outside, but only because I wanted to see the real world" "But you're not supposed to!" "It's doesn't matter to me!" "Well, that means you're grounded. From now on you are forbidden to leave this castle" "What?!" "As for Sir Lancelot, we won't give him the death penalty, so we will lock him in the dungeon, for six months"

"Six months?! You can't do that!" "Yes we can!" "What is wrong with you?! You can't lock someone up for that long! It was my idea to go out!" "Yes, but he helped you out" "But you can't lock him up! I love him!" then Shadow spoke, "I love you too" then my parents shushed him, "Zip it, Lancelot" "Don't talk to him like that!" "Hey serves us! And you're not supposed to love a knight like Lancelot!"

"You see that?! That's the fucking bullshit I keep hearing about! All this damn crap about royalty marrying royalty. Who the hell cares?! You shouldn't be forced to marry someone you don't love! That shit should change! As for the fucking rule about never going outside, that should change too! I'm sick and tired of sitting around here, doing nothing! I want a normal life! I want to see and try new and different things! I want to marry whom I choose! These bullshit rules must change! Just get out of my room!" everyone was so shocked to see me like this, talking like this with my use of language, but I was done.

Tears streamed down my face as I said the last few parts of my speech. Everyone left, with Shadow also kinda crying, sad that we were being separated. As my parents left the room last, I was just about to close the door, but then Shadow broke free of the guards' grip and sprinted past my parents, and ran towards me, tears streaming down his face as he pulled me into a passionate kiss.

I kissed back, crying hard as well, wrapping my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I knew that my parents were watching, but I didn't care about who was watching or whatever. All I wanted was to be with Shadow, in his arms, alone, but my parents practically took that away from me. After a few minutes, Shadow  then pulled away, slowly, looked into my eyes and sadly went back to the guards and I closed the door, buried my head in the soft pillow and cried myself to sleep. My parents had ruined my life.

(Dang, this chapter nearly made my cry a bit, but I hoped you liked it)

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