On this day, we don't celebrate a day off from work or school. A day to go to the beach, the mall, or to take advantage of. We don't even specifically celebrate the military! On Memorial Day, the United States of America celebrates and remembers the lost family, friends, and strangers of our country. We remember the fallen comrades of past wars, small or large. The hard battles that those brave soldiers fought. They fought and died for our nation's freedom. Let them not die in vain. Let their legacy live on in our lives; continue the fight that so many men and women died for. On Memorial Day, we celebrate life and death. And to our passed loved ones who died for this country- I thank you. I wish peace upon you lying in your grave. And know that, yeah, you may be centuries dead and gone. But you will never be forgotten!
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Thanks for reading, and I thank those of you who fight for freedom, liberty, and pursuit of happiness every day. See ya! -OP