Chapter 6

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After the odd moment I spent in that room. We went to Ginger's room (I said we because Chase came with us). She took her key from her pocket while I looked at the dorm room number 28. It was pretty close to my dorm. She opened the door and we entered to her room. It was so weird she had Japannese cartoons all over the place and pictures of Rosetta full of darts and pictures of Chase with hearts (The picture of Chase was at the back of the door). she had a pile of library books in her desk and and some socks in the floor. Her room the messiest thing ever. 

"What happened in here??" I asked in shock as I stared at it

"What do you mean?" Ginger asked with an innocent look in her face

"Your room is so messy!" I declared

"No......" Ginger streched the o

"WOW!" Chase yelled when he opened the door

"I had the same reaction" I told him

"Why is Rosetta's face full of darts and skulls?" Chase asked with a confused look on his face

"Ummmmm.... It's a project" Ginger responded 

"What kind of project" Chase insisted 

"Science. Who many darts can fit into a demons face, That was my project" Ginger replyed 

"Chase can you buy us some sprite?" I asked 

"Sure" Chase left the room 

I really didn't wanted a soda. I just said that so he would leave. I don't really know why I loved Ginger's room,broblably because it was full of Rosetta's face covered with darts and the best part she lived alone. I was so jealous. Though sharing room with Emerald wasn't so bad.

"Who are you sharing room with?" Ginger asked me as she picked up some socks and put them in the dirty clothes bin.

"Emerald Frik" I told her

"Emy?nice!Hows it going with you two?any drama yet?"she proded

"Yes. She is not that bad yet. She is messy (Not as much as you) But she is a pretty nice dorm partner" I told her 

I wen to close the door and greeted chases poster full of heart,how did she even get that???

"So....your dating chase" I stated.

"Of course not silly! Chase is like super popular,do you know he had a fan club ninth grade?" Ginger laughed

"So he's dating Rosetta?" Made sence to me,as much as I hated to admit it Rosetta wasnt totally ugly looking.

"If that happened she would have been shot." Ginger said with a scary smile in her face

"Just asking" I murmured.

Something told me it wasn't good to get Ginger mad. Just then Chase walked in

"I have sodas" He stated as he juggled them.

"You do know thats gonna make them explode right?" I told him 

Chase's eyes widened and his calm expresion turned into one of panic,he droped the 3 200mL Sprite sodas. It seemed that the sprite included Mentos. The second it touched the floor it exploded and made a mess. The 2 (Chase and me) of us got Sprite all over the place. 

"MY ROOM!!! MY FUCKING ROOM!!!!!!!" Ginger screamed in agony as she fell to the floor.

"Sorry Ginger, we swear it was an accident!" I apologized as I cleaned the floor with a random sock that was in the floor.Ginger looked at me with anger in her eyes but then she looked at chase and smiled

It's okay!This could happen to anyone! Oh, Chase you are incredibly wet. You should take your shirt off so you don't get sick or anything" Ginger suggested 

"You think?" he asked as he looked at himself

"Oh totally, I'm a 100% sure" Ginger almost drooled 

'Oh Shit' I thought to my self. Chase Uff was taking his shirt of. That's when I saw his mark it was a leaf. 

Chase slowly took his gray shirt and Ginger had her eyes bright opened. She started curling her chesnut color hair.

Emerald opened bruskly the door and yelled "Guys!! Guess what???? Beny is leaving!!!!!" 

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