Chapter 15

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I headed to the "Green Area" where my bow and arrow classes were taking place. I got to the entrance and keeped walking. I stopped and looked towards a man that has holding a huge metal arrow in his left hand. He looked back at me and waved me to come down, I took a big breath and followed the guy.

"Jason Mcsally" He said as he stretched his hand. He had strong firm voice, a manly voice/ attractive. 

"Kiara Gafe" I said confidently, we shake hands. He had cold hands. 

The guy turned and I observed him. He had strong arms, and brown hair. He was handsome. I mean he looked too old for me and besides I kinda like Kevin. 

"Today's class will last 45 minutes since it' the first one, but normally they will last 1 hr" He explained 

"Archery classes will take place here from 3:30 - 4:30 Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays" He continued "Questions?" 

I shacked my head. We got to the back of the green area and drooped my backpack on the grass and looked around. It's beautiful, the only thing that you can is green. Now I know why people call it Green Area. I've been here a couple times by I never took the time to observe it so carefully. It was me, Jason, and two other guys. We were few.

I followed Jason with my eyes, he has throwing some arrows like to warm up I think. He opened his mouth but no sound came out off his mouth. 

"Should we start running" The blond boy asked Jason with an exhausted . He looked tired, like looked he just runned a marathon or something.

“Yes, 5 minutes” He said as he expected the guys to know. I walked towards me. I just looked him directly in his eyes and I realized how enchanting green eyes he had.

“Kiara i’m going to explain you what we do in class” We started running. “When you get here you should start running to warm up, after five minutes I’ll tell you what to do, ok?” He explained. I can’t believe it, my archery teacher is hot.

Since I enjoy running that five minutes passed quickly. I walk to where Jason is and take some big breathes.

“Take your bow and arrow and follow me” Jason said sharply and moved forward.

“What if I don’t have one” I said making it obvious

“Luke, go to my office and grabbed the emergency bow and grab 10 arrows from my white cabinet” Jason demanded while he gave the keys to Luke. Apparently the blond guy was called Luke. “Robert, tell Kiara where and how to stand while Luke comes back” Robert  grabbed my hand and shoved me towards the sun. After 2 minutes I turned and saw Luke running with a beautiful wooden bow and 10 arrows with a blue and white fletchings. 

"Here you go" Luke said as he tossed me the bow and the arrows. They where heavier than I thought. 

"Know that you have a bow and some arrows, you will show me your best shoot" I saw his encouraging face. I turned back and I saw Luke and the other guy laughing silently. I said to myself I have to do this, I have to, I took a big breath and shoot. Instead of looking were my arrow landed I looked over to Luke. I thought that Luke and the other guy would start laughing even more but surprisingly they didn't, they had an awed face, it just ment one things. My arrow got to the bulleye. I turned to confirm my hypothesis. I was right. 

"It was just a bunch of luck" the no named guy said. "Indigo, I bet 5 dollars that you can't beet Kiara's shoot" Jason started teasing him. Apparently his name was Indigo. He picked up his indigo colored bow that was attached to 4 black arrows. "Easy money" he mumbled. 

I saw that look in his eyes saying "there is no way she will win me" he looked confident, he took a big breath and he let the arrow go. My eyes were straight on the arrow. 

it took about 2 second for Jason to yell at him "You missed, and by the way you owe me 5 dollars" he laughed. "It was the wind" Indigo tryed to explain. "Well wind or not wind, you owe me 5 dollars!" Jason looked happily at me. "Today we are going to have a very simple class, each one of you is going to try to get 10 bull's eye in 5 minutes the one that gets the most wins" Jason told us. Everyone agreed. I rapidly walked towards the next mpty taget and prepared myself. I grabbed my bow and an arow, I rolled my head, looke at my target and got this feeling of being Katniss. 

"Go" Jason suddenly yelled. I looked towards Indigo, our eyes met, his expression was not at all friendly. 

I looked at the target. II let go the arrow and saldly it was not bull's eye. But it was close. After 10 minutes Jason looked awed since we both won. "It's a ty" he looked a little puzzled. "You can leave know the class is over".

I grabbed my stuff and left. 

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