Ch. 1

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Dust and other grime covered the cement floor. It was cold to the touch, just like everything else in the damn place. My fingers tap against the floor to the beat of the music in the other room. My legs ache, as I have been sitting in the same position for hours, meditating. Comfort. Such a foreign word when it came to me and the man who took me in.

My true form isn't beautiful like his. Although, now he despises his wings. After a fight with another mutant, who could teleport, they're almost completely useless. He drinks and drinks, trying to drown his sorrows. He still wakes up in night terrors, as do I. But there's never any relief in waking up to this cold, cold world.

Yelling from the room opposite of me makes my eyes flutter open. I perk my head up. It was almost unheard over the blaring music, but my ears aren't like others' ears.

I begrudgingly pull myself up from the floor and sneak into the room. He's always getting into fights with people and I always have to break it up. Chills go through my entire body when the music shuts off. The atmosphere is almost too eerie.

"Warren?" I whisper into the darkness, feeling odd from using his real name.

Voices come from deeper within the room and I follow them and hide myself behind one of the stone pillars. The first off thing that I notice is a broken bottle of alcohol on the floor. Then the three strangers standing in front of my master. A man, his head is covered with a hood, seeming as if he is inspecting every aspect of Warren.

"I didn't know his wings were..." A girl with dark hair trails off.

I look at his wings. They drag across the ground, the tips covered in the alcohol from the floor. Those beautiful appendages that were once used for flight, now useless. They twitch from pain every once in awhile, mostly when he talks, or rather curses the man in front of him.

"It was pointless coming here.." She finishes.

The man walks towards Warren and removes his hood, exposing his blue tinted skin and strange markings that run down his face. "Perhaps not." He says and reaches a hand out to him.

Warren falls to the floor and lets out a scream. His bones start to protrude from his back with loud cracking sounds and I can feel myself starting to change as I become angry.

I have to protect my master.

I run out of the shadows towards the strange man with blue skin. My intent is to kill, I can already see myself tearing him apart, limb from limb. I'll end them all for hurting my master, but as soon as I get close enough to bite the living hell out of him, some kind of glowing purple thing is held to my neck. I try to fight against it, but it's sharp edge produces a small cut on my neck, making me stop. Only being able to watch as my master is slowly tortured.

But he stops screaming. Is he dead? Tears begins to fall down my cheeks and I feel myself snap from reality completely.

I grab the woman's weapon by its sharp blade, too angry to feel the stinging sensation in my hand. I claw at the woman's face, but she whips around and slices my arm. I hiss out in pain and run towards her, but my body freezes.

My head slowly turns to look at the strange man, seeing that he is reaching in my direction, holding me in place.

"A kitten?" The woman mocks, placing the tip of her blade on my throat. "Too bad I was never a fan of felines."

She pulls the blade behind her, preparing to swing. I close my eyes and wait for my impending doom. I will have died with my master by trying to avenge his life. I wait and wait, but nothing ever comes. I open my eyes to see the woman frozen in place like I had been before my view is blocked by the strange one.

"You killed him!" I hiss and the smallest of smirks graces his face.

"Killed him? My child, use those powerful eyes of yours." He says and I look over seeing Warren, completely unharmed.

But his wings are better now. They're.. metal. Warren grins at me. I've never seen him that happy. He stretches his wings out. A mischievous glint plays in his eyes and spikes shoot out of his wings and wedge themselves in the wall.


"Master?" I look back at the blue mutant. "You have no master here."

That makes me tilt my head in confusion. He ignores my unspoken question and tilts my chin up with his finger, inspecting me. His eyes travel up my orange tinted body that is graced with a few black stripes.

I feel uncomfortable because my clothes are quite revealing. A tight pair of shorts and a tank top, which is riding up from fighting. His rough hand slides up my exposed side and for once I'm thankful my face is orange so I wouldn't embarrass myself by blushing.

"S-stop." I whimper and his eyes shoot to my yellow ones.

"He won't hurt you." Warren whispers to me and I relax somewhat. I trust him.

His hand travels to my temple and I can feel him rummaging through my mind.

"Nery Miah... Abandoned at eight years old... On your own for eleven years... Until you met Warren Worthington III... You feel like you're indebted to him for rescuing you... You've despised your real form all your life..."

I bare my teeth at him. "Get out of my head."

I immediately feel him slip out of my mind and I breathe out. But then I feel a warm vibration, like hot liquid, traveling through my entire body from my feet to the top of my head.

My skin starts turning to a brownish orange, and more and more black stripes appear on my body. The hair that rests on my shoulders fades to the colors of black and white.

My body starts to feel weak and I grab onto the man to steady myself. But my eyes become heavy and I fall into his strong arms.

"You belong to me now... My goddess."



A/N: I saw X-Men: Apocalypse last night and just had to start writing a story? omg.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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