Visions and Locations

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The city had barely woken up, and had only just started to stumble around in a drunken manner, induced by the remnants of dreams in the corners of their eyes. Stealing through streets and doorways I stole through the shadows, head down, ears open, eyes searching for danger. I was here on a purpose and I was going to fulfill it, no matter what happened. It was the 15th October, the deadline, the time for action. My destination in mind, I carried onwards, watching for anything out of the ordinary...

There. I saw it, if only for a second, but every good assassin can recognise another on sight. Turning, I sprinted into the nearest alley, trainers alternately colliding with and then leaving the ground.

The sounds of pursuit chased me, tapping me on the shoulders and snapping at my heels.

Faster, I thought, faster.

Occasionally I would see flashes of people running in streets alongside me. They were indistinct, blurry but had glowing red eyes filled with fury and distinct pointed ears trained to hear every sound I made in order to better track me down.

The sound of metal on metal scratched at my ears like nails on a chalkboard, making me want to shield my ears from the horrendous assault.

But it came to no use. No matter which way I would turn; no matter how many times I thought I lost them; they would always return, echoing all around me. The streets all looked the same, with every twist and turn making me more lost than when I had began to run, hopelessly feeling an unknown foe.

We never tire, we never rest - we are many and you are one.

The sound bounced silently through the air and into my mind, exploding once it got there. It repeated over and over, getting louder and louder until it reached an unbearable cacophony filled my brain with static and made concentrating nigh impossible.

I didn't have much time, I needed to escape.

Left, right, left, left.

Turn after turn I fled but I couldn't get away. Sweat beaded down my face and my lungs heaved with every step. I was really out of practice and if I got out alive, I would definitely hit the gym later. This wasn't good, I was out of breath, exhausted and had no clue where I was anymore or where my destination was. All I could do was try to get away from my seemingly unstoppable pursuers. In other words - I was screwed.

"Great frikin' timing," I gasped as I slid to a halt. "This just had to happen today of all days. You couldn't have waited another day could you? Noooooooo."

I was, of course, referring to the massive gaping hole which I had almost fell in. It had already swallowed several buildings in an attempt to take up as much space of the main street as possible, the main street which I so desperately needed to be on at that present moment in time.

"Fantastic! Just what I wanted! It's like all my birthdays came all at once! Thank you world. Thank you luck. No, really, this is just what I needed to complete my assignment. Thank! You! "

There was no way I could get to the street normally that was for sure. No, I would have to rely on another method. But how would I get up if I was stuck on rock bottom?

...wait a minute...


I spun around ninety degrees so that I was facing one of the uncomfortably close walls and took a deep breath. I needed to concentrate - one wrong move and I would be lying on the floor in a mangled pile of broken ex-human.

Would it work? Could I escape?

Well yes, it seemed like it could but I needed to be careful, everything was at stake here.

Go! I willed, even though it was more of a prayer.

A few strides and I was there. I took 3 quick strides and jumped to the other side, took three sides and repeated it again, jumping and running until I was no longer a few metres above the ground but a few meters below the roof line.

Almost there, I thought, picturing Taka encouraging me in earnest concern. Just a bit more.

All around me I could hear screams now. Pleas for mercy and forgiveness bombarded me and almost cause me to lose my footing several times. It was all I could do not to just freeze and fall to my death. An eternity later I heaved myself onto the rooftop.

Suddenly, as if a plug had been pulled, all noise stopped. I couldn't even hear myself breathing. There was nothing but the wind, gently whistling as it pulled at my clothes and ripped the hair away from my face. I remained like this for about a minute, recuperating before getting up to leave.

Then I heard a voice from behind.

You are an enemy of the house, prepare to die.

And that's when I woke up.


"What was that?" I muttered, cradling my head in my face.

I was back in my spartan room, complete with its all-white decor and the ever-annoying air vent. My blankets lay in a heap of fluffyness all the way on the other side of the room: a testament to the fact that I threw them off me whilst under the influence of my nightmare.

"Damn short sleeves. Damn air vent. Damn everything."

I rose to my feet and started to pace; pacing was good; pacing helped me think.

What was that? Some kind of nightmare or something more...a warning perhaps? Maybe it was a memory sealed away in trance-like visions?

It was all a bit fuzzy but I tried to piece it all together. I had been doing something - some kind of mission - when I started to run. People had been following me but I couldn't remember why - I just recalled a pressing sense of urgency that breathed down my neck and forced me forwards. A house might have been mentioned...or maybe it was a shop...and there was a voice saying stuff about how they were many or something. That date came up again - the 15th.

This whole matter didn't sit well with me. I wondered about what it meant and why I felt like I had been doused in freezing fear that clung to me, significantly lowering the room temperature by a few degrees. I started to shiver; whatever it was I needed to find out - and soon.

I headed for the door, I needed answers and I certainly wouldn't find them in that tiny room with only that damn vent for company. I would carry out the plan that I had figured out yesterday - explore and gain information - but first I needed to find some painkillers, my head was still pounding after that dream - if it could be called that.


I actually thought that I would put more in this chapter but in the end nothing much happened :P

I dedicate this chapter to a person whom I sorta talk to sometimes. I'm not sure if I annoy them cos I think I do but I hope I don't. I think I'm going to try and give them their own space for a while. And that, dear readers, is all.

To conclude, I am a needy child. Have a great day :)

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