Bar Fight and Cold Night

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Now, I would have been lying if I said I didn't join in. I would chip in and add a couple of punches and some quick jabs to someone's stomach every now and then, minding out for the crash of bottles being shattered over people's heads and the occasional yelp from someone who ventured too close to the duo fighting in the middle. From the snatched glances that I managed to get whilst defending myself from complete strangers I had noted that it was utter chaos over there, with no clear clues as to what was happening nor any ideas as to who was fighting whom. The girl with the claws on her hands seemed to revel in this, eagerly pouncing from one person to the next seemingly indiscriminately as she laughed. She toyed with people's hair, pulled on their clothes and yanked on their noses almost like she was trying to figure out what they were for and why they wouldn't come off - all whilst cackling manically.

Meanwhile, Ringo was being introduced to the counter with great vigor by Catherine, who was using the arm without the shield to grip his hair and bash his head several times. The man tried to retaliate but was unsuccessful as he was pinned to the polished oak by the shoulders and he was facing away from his opponent which made practically everything impossible. The fact that he wasn't exactly sober probably didn't help matters either.

I dodged a few flailing limbs as I made my way to the exit, finally remembering the reason I had actually come to this place. It didn't seem like I would be getting any information out of anybody in the near future so it was time to leave. I was surrounded by ranges of figures brawling with each other in a massive jumble of arms and legs making it hard to spot my much-needed escape route. At one point I could have sworn that I saw some kind of wolf there!

I definitely needed to get out of here. Before I could do anything however, the bartender took action, slamming his hand upon the table and yelling "STOP".

The effect was immediate and everyone froze in whatever position they were contorted into. At first I thought it was just the shock but I soon discovered that I couldn't seem to move my body at all. 


Then he kicked us all out.


"That could have been worse," slurred Ringo, cradling his head in his hands. "You should have seen what happened when I almost burned the bar down.  Ah, good times..." 

He trailed off, staring into the distance. A very put-off Catherine lurked just a few metres away, glaring two holes right into his skull. She missed her drink, I figured.

 "Good times?" she stated. "You almost died on the way to the hospital and were paying for damages for a good few months. Honestly, I don't see how you even managed to become a Halcyon fighter - you can barely walk in a straight line half the time."

"But you know you love it really." 

"Love it? Whenever we are in the fold I always have to come and rescue you from situations which you get yourself in. You even have the audacity to do it all over again. I prefer to work with people who can do their job competently."

With his she spat at his feet in disgust. Luckily, a familiar figure turned up just before either of them could reinstate the fight.

"I heard that two patrons down here decided that it was a good idea to get themselves and the rest of the pub into a fight. That wasn't you two was it? Of course it wasn't."

Taka had ambled over, hands in his pockets and eyes glinting with a promise of punishment if something bad were to happen. Although his switchblades were noticeably missing, I didn't doubt that, if needed, he could inflict some serious damage. I had been on the reciving end a while ago but it felt longer. Immediately the other two came to their senses, stepping away from each other quicker than you could blink. They both looked like a mix of sheepish and annoyed which I found rather amusing and I felt a smile grow on my face despite the lingering memory from the woods - an unwelcome reminder of the fact that I still knew very little. Taka hadn't seemed to notice me yet as he was focused on making sure that Ringo and Catherine didn't start World War Three over their petty little dispute. But there was another person whom he had not caught sight of yet. They were creeping towards him with their belly low and claws out, slinking closer and closer to his turned back. Before I could utter a warning of any kind she pounced, giving me a sense of déjà vu and a headache.

"Boo!" she yelled as he staggered around, clearly not expecting the sudden extra weight upon him. Meanwhile she just laughed, clearly having the time of her life.

"I. Should have. Known. You. Were involved." He managed to gasp, finally getting her off his back. "How many times have I told you to not cause trouble?"

"But it was fun!" Whined the cat-like girl. "No one got hurt."

"They could have been though, you need to be more careful."

A long pause followed in which she unsuccessfully tried pouncing on some bug before looking up to meet his disappointed gaze.

"Promise me you won't do it again." His voice had dropped to a whisper, making the moment seem very private even though they were right in the middle of the street. "Promise."

"Alright fiiiiiiinne." She moaned loudly, clearly not picking up the change in the mood. "But you have to promise to come play with me some time. I was only bored because my normal friend was doing something for the last week."

"I had to, it was related"

"Even's so boring when I have no one to play with."

"But I couldn't-"

I watched the exchange with mounting disbelief. They existed in their own world, oblivious to the attention that they drew from several by-standers who watched the strange pair with clear curiosity. Taka didn't give Ringo and Catherine any heed, indeed, not even noticing when they went their separate ways with glares in each other's direction. 

I would have headed back myself apart from the obvious problem of not knowing where I was. 

"I can't always be around to play with you and that gives you no right to go around causing trouble-"



Well there's another (late) chapter for you all :P

This one is dedicated to those people who are there for you and support you even when you don't necessarily feel like you need it. It's always nice and I appreciate it a lot. Thanks guys :)

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