"Our memory will be my lullaby. Sing me to sleep."
~ Sing Me To Sleep, Alan Walker

Una was stood in the kitchen late the next morning when her aunt knocked on the door frame.
"There's nothing stopping you from coming in, hell, there's not even a door." Una said irritably.
"I have an early gift for you. I know it's Christmas Eve and I remember how annoyed you used to get when gifts were given early. I just think you need this." Una had been getting up but now she just leant against the work top and forced a smile.
"It's fine, if it's that important to you." Aunt Anneke (ah-neh-k) placed a small box in Una's free hand.
"Go on, open it." Anneke prompted Una, removing the mug from her hand. Una slipped the clasp open and her eyes were laid upon a rose-gold chain with an old silver key. The same necklace Anneke had worn on her wedding day and everyday after it. Una was speechless.
"This was your grandmothers, she had the chain all through her life and picked up the key somewhere along the line, I want you to have it."
"I.. I couldn't." Una brushed her fingers along the key, as if trying to remember every groove by touch. She knew Anneke wouldn't  give her it even if she didn't think she was worth it.
"Turn around and I'll put it on you." Una obediently turned and Anneke clasped the necklace at the nape of her neck.

Una couldn't sleep later that night. She heard voices downstairs. Or did she? She crept down the stairs and in to the living room. Following the voices. Arguing. They were constantly bickering over each other. Una could barely make out the words. 'Cu'- 'gic'- 'fix'.
The living room was dimly lit and silent. The voices faded. Una's grandmother sat in the same chair she always sat. Staring at nothing, she looked hollow; breakable. She had seen such horrors. This was the original Una. She knew everything Una longed to understand. Una had been avoiding her all holiday, it was hard to look her grandmother in the eye after she knew everything that had happened. Una turned on her heels to leave when she heard a small voice, definitely from the room.
"Una, stay." Almost a whisper, nearly unheard. Una took a step back into the room and looked towards her gran. She sat down gingerly in a seat. The room smelled of candles and dust. She wondered if this was how her gran spent her days now, alone and silent.
"You went there, didn't you?" Her gran's eyes finally landed on her. "Your mum told me about your scholarship and at first it didn't click. I didn't realise. Your mother continued talking about it for a few weeks and I finally realised but it was too late. I could've stopped you from getting hurt, getting into this mess."
"I had to be there. Everything happens for a reason. I don't regret being there, you need to know that." Una looked down at her hands.
"She didn't tell me everything that happened, did she?" Her gran took a sip of tea. "More happened. I know it. Please, tell me. I must know."
"I-I can't..." Una felt a tear roll down her cheek. "I barely even know what happened. I'm still sort of asking myself what the hell happened. Maybe I can tell you some other time."
"Maybe." Her gran echoed, pursing her lips tightly. "Your grandad isn't actually your mum's father. Your mum was in the asylum with me. Only for a year before it shut. I never wanted children but I got one. I love her more than anything. Now. But at that point I hated her. Loathed her unknowing and dis- understanding."
"Wha-" Una choked up, a lump in her throat.
"She was a reminder of my misfortune, of Jason. We slept together but I didn't want it. I tried to push him off of me. He was vile. He knew what he was doing was wrong. It's was one of his clear days. He understood it was wrong. Afterwards he didn't even recognise me. I was a piece of trash to him." She spat the words out like acid in her mouth.
"Are you okay?" Una didn't dare stand up. Her gran hated being comforted.
"I'm fine. Go to sleep." She looked up "the key will keep you safe, it still hasn't failed me." She let out a weak smile as Una left.


Authors notes///
Sorry I've been really trash at updating but I've been having a horrible time and new timetable and just really busy. Hopefully I can get some stuff up before I go home for summer.
Love you guys :)

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