Chapter 1

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~Dani racing on her motorbike~

Ok I have a plan for the main part of the story but not so much the beginning so do bare with! It will get much more interesting and intriguing! 😊

Chapter 1:

Dani's POV!!:

*Ommf* I was woken with a start! My best friend and second in command took a flying leap and landed on top of me just to wake me up. She could have been normal and just yelled at me but no always do it the hard way, that's Remi for you! She's always been the abnormal one out of the two of us but seeing as we are inseparable you could class me as abnormal as well but I just like to think of myself as a little weird! Not to the full extreme of creeping someone out but to the extent of having life as a roller coaster and not a plain white sheet of paper.

"Common!!" She yelled "We are going to be late and it's the first day of new school! You slept through your alarm again. You have to look perfect your representing the pack and I can't have you looking like you got dragged through a bush backwards! Your my alpha and no offence but your not acting like one so yes I'm going to yell and kick your asś out of the bed. RIGHT NOW!!!!."

I groaned and snarled in response it wasn't my fault my bed was so comfy and I barely get any sleep from all the missions I get sent on now.

Yes I'm 16 and the first ever Gemstone Werewolf and the first ever female alpha even though none of them know I exist and that is how I want it! I don't need a male wolf to be all cocky and arrogant just to put me in my place or treat me like rubbish I can do that myself and I have Remi my beta to help me.

Ever since the age of 10 I've been on a mission to find the other gemstone werewolves! I've only found one and that took three steps since when I got informed of my duties by the Moon Goddess my best friend, and second ever Gemstone werewolf, Remi was stood by me.

So now me and Remi and our parents are traveling around the world to find the other 4 girls who are supposedly going to save the world and the whole werewolf kind from total Annihilation and extinction all be for out 18th Birthdays. Like that is going to happen!!

We are now about to start the whole process in a new town that we are visiting called "Blue Moon" luckily for us it is an all 'were' town so we don't have to deal with stupid mundanes that always try and make themselves smarter than us and only get in the way.

I guess I must have been daydreaming a bit because the next thing I knew I was getting punched by Remi who was also trying to push me off the bed. It wasn't till then I realised she was yelling "10 minutes before we leave" that I actually got up and ran to the bathroom to get ready.  

I quickly dived.  In the shower. And scrubbed myself.  And washed my hair with.  The usual mango and passion fruit shampoo that I use. Once out the shower I dried off and put underwear on, then grabbed my favourite navy blue ripped jeans and Captain America t-shirt. Along with my combat boots and leather jacket. I was finished in under 5 mins and was dragging Remi out my room with me while running downstairs ready to leave.

I grabbed a granola bar and motorbike helmet before heading over to our motorbikes which were left out side waiting for us curtsy of my dad.

As we drove into Blue Moon High the students standing outside all turn to watch us drive in; the male half giving us wolf whistles and the slutty girls giving us glares and the other half lowing their heads in submission. The wolf whistles we didn't care about we were use to them. I'm not boasting but we are not the most ugliest of girls you see.

I'm Dani and I'm around 6"2 which is massive for a girl and I hate the fact I'm so tall but it's the only bad thing about me. So I have a wave of ginger hair which cascades down my back to just above waist height. I have startling blue eyes and long lashes. I'm slim with a six pack and a few curves in the right places but compared to Remi I was nothing!

My second in command had thick long naturally blonde hair which like mine came down to her waist but she was 6" so a bit shorter than me she had brown eyes which just drew you in and all the curves in all the right places. Remi could class as a full on model if she wanted to.

I took my helmet off and wiggled my head so my hair would bounce back to it natural shape and waited for Remi to do the same, once we were both ready we walked into the school Remi slightly behind showing I was more dominant. That's the only problem being me I have so much dominance without even trying everyone is generally scared of me.

Eventually we made our way through the twisting halls to the main reception so we could get our maps, timetables and locker numbers.

As we were going to our locker I was listening to all the whisper and snarky comments about us until we reached our lockers when the whole of the hallways went quiet.

Then the most handsomest and sexy man walk through the doors with a slightly less handsome man. One whiff of the man made my mouth water and as he walked past me he sniffed in a huge lungful of air and turned to me. He pinned me in with his arms either side of my head and whispered in a husky voice "mine".

Everything until that point was perfect about this fine specimen of man until that one word. I knew it was true he was my mate but the way he thought he dominated me made my wolf - "Snow", who is around 9" tall which is even bigger than the usual alpha male just made me so mad I was struggling to keep her under control.

"I AM NO ONES TO CONTROL! YOU ARE FAR LESS SUPERIOR THAN ME AND YOU SHOULD RESPECT ME!" I boomed through the halls and with that pushed this man off me with a bit too much force and he went flying across the hall and into the locker the other side.

Gasps were heard all around and I knew my eyes had turned to the gemstone wolf of mine which made them look like real sapphire. Oh shít I thought to myself and with that.

I ran out the school doors straight to the woods...

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