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Author’s Note: Hey guys sorry for the hold up just starting to write a new story on The Middle on my fan fiction penname : kitty.kay12345 but here’s the next part with Dr. Styles Enjoy ^^

Harry’s POV

“Okay here it comes, don’t move” I say trying to get this shot into this little boy’s arm but, he was being difficult….typical.

“NO NO I DON”T WANT IT!” He said practically screaming until I thought of something brilliant.

“Hey Mikey you know when you play Legend of Zelda how you have to save the princess by being brave? “ I ask him hoping he plays the video game.

“Yes she’s very pretty and I have to get the sword right?” He said pointing to the shot.

 “Only if you want the princess in the end I suppose.” I say shrugging.

“I’ll take it then.” He said pulling up his shirt sleeve and looking away.

“Okay..1….2….3..It’s over!” I say with a smile on my face.

“Wow I didn’t even notice!” He said excited.

“The princess is very lucky to have you mike now you and your mom have a great----“ Just as I was escorting them out my nurse came rushing in.

“I umm…..I have a problem—“ I cut her off.

“Shelly can’t it wait!?!” I whisper between my teeth knowing I had a lot of patients back up.

“It’s something about a girl name Lauren?” She told me questionably.

My eyes widened with the name. This had to be bad. It was a school day. Louis had to drive her. Niall is probably here.

My mind was spinning with thoughts as Shelly led me to her in the waiting room.

Lauren’s POV

I see Harry walk into the waiting room and I nearly pissed my pants!

I did not want to be here especially with me looking like this! And with Niall and Louis with me it wasn’t making this situation any better.

“Do you see this Harry it’s totally a mess mate.” Louis said pushing me towards him Niall following close behind me.

“Oh baby.” Harry said with sympathy cradling my face in his hand banding down to my level giving me a closer look.

“Come with me it looks painful.” He said offering me a hand which I questionably took as Niall still followed behind me making me feel safe.

He led us to an open room and I could tell he still had some patients he had to visit so I felt like I was really intruding.

“Alrighty, then.” He said picking me up placing me on the exam table then washing his hands and sitting on a spin chair rolling towards me.

“I don’t know how I got this I woke up with it and----“Niall cut me off.

“She was trying to hide it for most of the day until I was lucky enough to get a look.” He said totally throwing me under the bus here.

“Gee thanks a lot Niall!” The person who I thought was going to make this easier for me was actually making it harder?!?! What is wrong with my life.

“Ummm…okay.” Harry says not really paying attention to the hissy fit me and Niall were having as he took a little flash light thingy from the rack of instruments behind me and brought it to my face.

“Now just look in the light for me.” He said sending shivers up and down my spine as I felt his hot husky breathe come in connect in my face…”omg what is wrong with me get OVER IT!” I say to myself getting angry with what is happening here. (A/N): She’s having some first crushy wushy problems here! XD

“Yup that’s it directly at the light.” He said moving it between my eyes back and forth.

“Now look up.” He said raising the light which my bad eye couldn’t do and I was getting agitated with all of this.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.” He said turning of the light and putting it back.

“It hurts.” I say feeling the burn now from trying to move it too much.

“I know it does sweetheart.” He said holding my face again.

“Now open your eyes as big as you can..big big big.” He said putting on some gloves using his fingers to open my bad eye all the way.”

“Okay try to look directly at Niall behind me” He said still holding my eye open as I look directly at Niall’s face.

“St---oo—pp” I say whimpering as this was really uncomfortable.

“Shhh okay it’s all over.” He said taking his fingers out of my eye as I let out a sigh of relief.

“I think I know what the problem is…..you had an allergic reaction to something.

Okay let me get this straight I one of those people who are not allergic to ANYTHING nothing so this was going to be hard to figure out.

“I have no idea what.” I say shrugging.

“Niall got any ideas?” Harry asked turning to him as if he know what it was or something.

“Uhhhh I don’t know.” He said looking down at his shoe laces.

“I think it was the flower you were allergic to Lauren.” Harry said confessing what happened.

“Thanks A LOT NIALL!” I say pissed off because he got me in this situation.

“I DIDN”T KNOW I WAS JUST TRYING TO BE NICE!” He responded yelling right back at me.

“HEY IT”S NOTNIALLS FAULT IT WAS JUST A STUPID MISTAKE!” Harry said sternly breaking up our fight.

“Whatever.” I huffed to myself still mad at Niall.

“Now that that’s out of the way we can fix it” Harry said standing up and going out of the room to get something.

“What the hell is your problem Niall throwing me under the bus like that in the beginning?!?! And then you poison me!” I say not holding anything back.

“Lauren I’m sorry I was just being stupid about the first thing and the second thing I swear I didn’t know about.” He said walking over to me giving me a hug.

Then I see it. I shit my pants. Legit.

“I got the eye drops.”


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