Do you remember when?

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Author’s Note: Harry looks really good in basketball shirts I saw on tumblr. <3

Lauren’s POV

“Eye drops? Eye drops. Did that? Did he? DID HE JUST SAY EYE DROPS!” I ask myself having a major panic attack as he approached me.

If you’re not catching my drift here I DESPISE EYE DROPS! Back story duh dun dummmm.

Okay so when I was younger I actually did have to see my uncle because I had terrible vision and had to wear glasses but, obviously somehow don’t anymore. However, apparently when you wear glasses and have to go to the eye doctor they have to use eye drops to dilate your eyes.

I would throw the biggest baddest possible flip out session to not have these death drops get in my eyes. I would kick, scream, bite, cry, spit anything to not have those stinging fuckers in my eyes. everyone. And I mean EVERYONE in the office  had to hold me  down until they eventually somehow got that posion in my eyes.

So basically eye drops scarred me for life yay!” (A/N): If you ever had to take eye drops as a kid you’ll know what I talking about lol!)

Back to reality! As Harry got to me I was sweating bolts practically cherry red in the face.

“Now love, don’t to be scared. Trust me it’ll only take two seconds if you just cooperate.” He said unscrewing the top.

“I-I I CAN’T DO THIS HARRY!” I spat starting to cry really loud which, I honestly couldn’t keep inside of me.

He just stood there. Showing no emotion. Saying nothing. Almost in a state of shock.

 Just setting the bottle down seeing how much distressed I was in, unable to stop crying on my own will.

I then felt the weight shift on the exam table as I was pulled into someone’s lap as one hand went to wipe my tears and the other started making circles on my back.

“I remember not long ago a little girl who was always running and laughing playing bundle of joy who wasn’t afraid of anything.” He tapped my chest as his voice started to soothed me down to thin air.

“Then one day she had to visit someone new and oh boy was that a day to remember.” He shook his head smirking.

“That was the hardest thing I ever had to do in all my time of medicine to this day!” He chuckled. “That baby girl would not stop fussing no matter what you gave her pacifier, bottle, toys, bribes, nothing!”

“Except.” He whispered holding up one finger, “When I the one and only held her like this.”

He poked my nose making me smile as I could calmly take breaths in and out again. Feeling security in his arms as I remembered I did years ago.

“I love you so much Harry.” I whisper sniffling a little as my head rested on his large chest.

“I love you more.” I felt his wet kiss being placed on the top of my head making me smile to myself.

“Niall?” Harry called as he came out from the bathroom.

“Yah?” Niall asked entering the room again.

“Pick up the eye drop bottle the blue one and come here and give Lauren two drops.” He said pointing to the one he placed on the counter.

“As long as she doesn’t rip my eyes out.” Niall said being extremely cheeky smirking as he picked up the bottle.

“No, I got her right here.” He said holding me tight in his arms as Niall made a quick nod and approached us holding the eye drops centimeters away from my face.

Harry held my eye open and counted to three as I felt Niall squirt the two drop in my eye.

“It’s okay it’s okay.” Harry said stroking my hair and kissing my temple as the burning was dying down.

“Well it’s all over now Lauren and you helped me miss my last two periods.” Niall pointed out.

“Well it’s nice to know that you care more about me than your classes.” I say sarcastically.

“Wait did Louis leave?” Harry asked putting me down.

“Probs he told me he was going to play some football with some other lads at school.” Niall said obviously wanting to join him.

Harry thought for a moment, “It’s alright Niall you can go I’ll take Lauren to my flat with me because everyone has probably left already.”

“Ok then, bye!” Niall said walking out the door.

“Wait hold up you want me to come to your flat?” I ask in confusion.

“Ya way not your mom is busy working and I highly doubt you want to play football with Nialll and Louis.” He pointed out.

“True true okay well let’s go.” I say as we walk out to his ranger rover.

When we enter his flat I walked straight over to his plaza screen tv which is something the four of us watch movies on all the time.

“I want to watch the movie Juno.” I say clicking to Netflix and selecting the movie.

“Okay sure I just need to change.” Harry said practically throwing his doctors coat to a dirty laundry pile in the side of the room. Boys~

“Hey you want to change too? Skinny jeans are not comfy movie wear.” He chuckled.

“Well I doubt you’ll have anything in my size---“ He held up his old purple jack wills hoodie and gray sweat pants.

“You are such a hoarder!” I cheekily say taking the clothes from him and changing in the bathroom as he went into his and Lou’s room to change.

When I was  done changing into his clothes I looked into the mirror of his bathroom and realized we look exactly alike. I mean I could be his freaking twin never mind cousin!

We had the same curly dark brown hair and green eyes. Weird.

I walked out and saw him sitting  the couch in a champion sweatshirt and pj bottoms.

“Hey looking good!” He said looking at my outfit as I did a little twirl and sat down next to him.

“So…Juno Right?” He asked me as the movie was beginning.

“SILENCIO OLD MAN!” I say in my best Ellen Page voice. Btw …totally nailed it <3

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