Being Watched | 1

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Youngjae felt uncomfortable. Whether it was from the extremely cold weather in Seoul or how he felt as if he was being watched. He was only 19, still in high school, and yet he was anxious every second day and when he was extremely unlucky every few hours. Youngjae was constantly afraid to even leave his house, especially when he lives all alone. His parents lived in Ohio, America. They originally left for business but decided to live over there instead, leaving Youngjae under his aunt's supervision. He felt burdened and moved out, visiting when he could. Sometimes he wished he didn't move out and stayed within his family's comfort. He continued his journey to his aunt's, the anxious feeling never leaving, he hunched himself over in hope of trying to keep his vivid shaking under control, he couldn't tell if it was because he knew he was being watched once again or because the weather was below ten degrees. Youngjae sped his tempo up and begun to sprint as he neared the familiar corner house in which his aunt lived at. He began hastily walking up to the door and rang the door bell. Receiving no response, he rang it once more, until he became extremely impatient, ringing it over and over. The door was roughly pulled open, revealing an annoyed woman in her thirties.

"What do you want?!" she practically yelled in Youngjae's face, "-Oh, It's just you."

Her clearly annoyed features were still evident, but they had lessoned once she saw Youngjae's anxiousness. He looked like a frightened scared puppy, she wraps her arms around his shoulders pulling him inside. Her warmth eloped Youngjae into a cocoon like womb. She held him in her hold, when he relaxed she slightly pulled away.

"What's wrong?" She softly asks, she wondered what had happened to her sister's little boy.

"I-I thi-nk someone is fol-following me-e," he whispered out, briefly leaving the warmth to lock the door and drag her into the cozy living room.

It had white wallpaper with a red rectangle arch feature on it. It was complimented with a red painting to bring out the rooms colours. The red arch was connected to a grey rectangle arch in which sat at the rim of the top wall, near the roof, it was complimented by a grey clock. The floor was made of a white marble. On the opposite wall laid a modern fireplace, it was two and a half metres long and half a metre tall, above it laid a 42 inch smart television. It was surrounded by a grey couch, on the couch lays multiple pillows. Outside the fire pit lays a brushed stainless steel edging, which was complimented by a two metre plant on both sides where the wall curves around the fireplace.

"Youngjae sweetie, stop being silly," Those weren't the 'comforting' words he wanted to hear, "You are probably just imagining things again, nobody is stalking you."

He looked at her as if she was crazy, "no, you do not understand. I know, somebody is following me. Why do you not believe me?"

She tries to calm the scared yet agitated boy, but he does not allow it, "aunty Zee. Please, believe me! I constantly hear the same footsteps every time I-I leave my house. Do you know how scary it is to hear things but not be able to see them? And to make matters worse, i've been receiving creepy 'love' letter's at work."

"Jae, sometimes you need to stop letting your imagination get too wild. You are a handsome young lad, and i am not surprised that you are receiving love letters from your secret admirers."

"Okay, fine. If i am 'imagining' things, then how do you explain the creepy stares, the footsteps, the tapping on the windows," he recalls the horrifying constant events, "O-or the phone calls that have no voice on the other side, just their deep sk-sketchy breaths?"

He felt the tears threatening to spill, and he gladly would if his aunt had believed him. Unfortunately, when ever he mentioned the idea of someone following him to a friend, or co-worker, they did not believe him or thought he was 'imagining' it, or worse, doing it for attention.

"You know what? Save it. I don't need another person who doesn't believe in me," He stood up from the couch and stormed towards the door, "I'm going home," with that he unlocked the door and stormed out, not caring about his aunt calling after him, or mainly if the stalker was still around.

The icy air whisked his remaining warmth away with the cold wind, as he ran into the streets. Youngjae decided it would be best to stay at a friend's house, not too far from here, for the night. He couldn't risk walking home this late at night, it takes at least forty-five minute to get home from here. He did not want to be walking through the dark streets when there is a stalker hot on his heals. He made his way towards his trusted friend's apartment, Jinyoung, he shared an apartment with his cousin Yugyeom and a Thai student nicknamed, Bambam, apparently his name was too hard to pronounce, so they decided to call him 'Bambam' for short. Youngjae had always questioned as to why he lived with his cousin and a foreigner, but never had the courage to ask aloud. Youngjae had heard about share houses before, but found it odd to share a home with people you barely know, but despite that, it is on his bucket list to do. It was a five minute walk from his aunt's home, but since he was running he made it there in two minutes max. He entered the apartment lobby, inputting the password which opened the door, he closed it behind him making sure it was shut and locked tight. He nervously entered the elevator and made his way up to the third floor, elevator made him feel unsteady. He had a habit of bending his knee's as the elevator jolted upwards or downwards, it supposedly 'helped' him. Finally he reached his designated floor and walked towards the door labelled '179'. He knocked on the oh-so-familiar door, it opened immediately revealing a blushing Bambam.

"Hi," he smiles, "is Jin here?"

Bambam returns the smile, "yeah, he is. Come in."

I step inside, "ah. Speak of the devil and he will come."

"Oh, Youngjae what are you doing here?" He questions.

"Well, actually about that. I, kind of, need a place to stay for the night," Youngjae sheepishly scratch the back of his head.

"It's fine, you can stay here, that's why your here isn't it," he states in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Well, actually, there's something i wanna talk to you about too."

Word count: 1136

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