Being Watched | 5

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A/n: Okay I have three things to say; 

Firstly, I'm sorry for the super long wait. I actually posted this like a week and a half ago. So I don't know why it hasnt been posted.

Secondly, I have something to confirm for you first, I was going to let Jaebum's character be left in the open, you know with whether he's the stalker or not. 


But I figured I might as well tell you that Jaebum is definitely not the stalker, though it would have been a nice plot twist, and since I'm 88% positive that you guys already knew that, I decided to just confirm it. 

But from now on wards, I won't be confirming anything else. After all, you guys are now the detectives-you have the power to decipher the real criminal through my subtle clues!~ 

Lastly, enjoy this chapter, the next one will be posted within the next week or two.

Jaebum stared at the whiteboard stood in front of him, eyebrows knit and his eyes narrow. Jackson and another officer were currently going through stacks of papers Kim Jongin had collected on anyone who had been caught stalking victim's within the ages fourteen to twenty-five–the lists also included anyone who had been released from prison or a detention centre for the same reasons. The remaining three officers were dealing with a second stalking case which had been called in this morning. Jaebum knew they would have to balance both cases, maybe even pay more attention to the newer case as it had more evidence to give. Although Jaebum wants to help Youngjae, he can only do so much with so little evidence. Even after laying out the data from Youngjae's case he thought he would get some sort of clue that would bring some clarification as to why he was being stalked in the first place, even after doing a background check on Youngjae–he found nothing out the ordinary, nothing to prove he was lying at least. Everything seemed to add up and yet it didn't. Jaebum was at a stand stop. All he had to go off was some strange notes and polaroids. Jaebum knew that he had to put together a report to be able to request an undercover officer to watch over the victims and yet it was proving to be difficult. Jaebum picked up the note Youngjae had delivered to him yesterday and skimmed it over. They were obviously trying to intimidate Youngjae to not do anything stupid. Focusing more on the polaroid–after giving it a dreadfully long look over, he noticed a tiny reflection in a car window. Raising his eyebrows he took a closer look. A man wearing a black cap and face mask was in the reflection along with a small flash of light. Jaebum had found it. He had found the perfect reason, the reason which could make the case just as important as their new one–regardless of the fact that they were both equally important from the beginning. He immediately grabbed his phone from his desk and called the forensic department from across the street and asked if they could help enhance and enlarge the polaroid picture. After meeting them in person, he gave them the polaroid and let them do their magic. Having the polaroid scanned into the system, they began digitally enhancing the photo until they had an enlarged–slightly blurred–close up of the stalker in the reflection. Having the pictures sent to his work email, he left the building and went back to his office.

Jaebum sat at his desk, typing away. He had finished editing his report, clicking the 'save' button which finalised and saved it in the police's data system. Printing off a copy for the head supervisor to check over and, hopefully, approve. He began walking up to his office, knocking on the door three times before he heard a low bellow of 'come in'. Firmly grasping the handle, he pulled it down and pushed the door open. Respectfully bowing his head he closed the door and walked up to his desk. Jaebum waited for confirmation to speak, which he received in the form of a nod, Jaebum swallowed the spit welling up in the back of his throat before sucking in a big gulp of air and lifting his eyes to meet the older–more intimidating and well acknowledged–officer, in the room.

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