Being Watched | 2

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"So what did you want to talk about?" Jinyoung tilts his head slightly.

Youngjae took a moment to collect himself before spilling all of his deepest worries to Jinyoung from the very beginning, "it all started on October 25th last year. I received a letter from an anonymous person claiming their love for me once a month. At first I thought it was kind of cute."

Jinyoung noticing the other's hesitation spoke up, "but?"

"But the-then it got serious. The letters soon got worse as they progressed, if anything they became–I don't know–creepier? I kept receiving them, but the ninth letter made me feel anxious, attached to the letter was a picture of me walking with my aunty Zee."

"Youngjae I'm a little lost, I don't—"

"Please let me finish, there's more!" he cried out, looking Jinyoung dead in the eyes with a sincere, scared look. It came across to Jinyoung as if Youngjae was a lost scared little puppy, he couldn't help but lend his time and ears to him, "please, please, please! Believe me."

Jinyoung furrows his eye brows, 'why would I not believe him?' he thought. Nodding firmly Jinyoung gave a light smile, "of course I will."

"P-promise?" He held out his little pinky.

Jinyoung linked his own pinky with Youngjae's, "I promise."

Youngjae sighs of relief, before continuing, "well, for the last five months it feels like–no, that's not it, I know that–something or someone has been following me. I don't know how to explain it. I get chills on the back of my neck, i feel eyes on the back of my head constantly, i hear footsteps, knocks, taps. I receive weird phone calls at the same hour, every night. I-I'm scared Jinyoung, an–nd your the only one I can turn too."

By the end of it all, Youngjae felt tears prickling his eyes, he didn't want to cry and feel as if he has had a bunch of unexpected emotions thrown at him for no reason, but he couldn't help the tears wanting fall. Jinyoung was at a loss of words, his dearest and closest friend–the one who gave him the strength to carry on in his own toughest times–had been going through something like this all on his own. He could not even imagine the horror he must have gone through. He wrapped his arms around the tinier male instantly, hoping he could pass his own strength to the boy like he had done for him many times before. He whispered calming words as he stroked the back of the males hair. Youngjae wrapped his arms around Jinyoung's torso, balling his hands up in Jinyoung's t-shirt as he let the tears fall. It had been a while since someone had genuinely believed him and it felt relieving, knowing his closest friend was the one who had his back. Youngjae was not crying of sadness, in fact he was overjoyed with happiness, he had been kept up countless nights from paranoia and stress. He felt as if a pile of bricks had been removed from his shoulders as soon as Jinyoung had embraced him. Sighing of relief, he slowly pulled away with a faint smile etched on his features.

"Thank you..." he whispered, "but there's one thing I need to ask you."

Jinyoung a little confused nodded slowly for him to continue, Youngjae was nervous, clenching his eyes tightly shut he spoke up, "tomorrow I'm heading into the police station. Wi-will you come with me?"

"Yes, of course I would. I mean, as if I would let you go out alone again after hearing that. You'd be crazy to even think such a thing!" Youngjae giggled at his protective hyung, the way his eyes widened and his lips puffed out like a platypus and the elders motherly tone made his wonder why he did not tell him sooner. Youngjae unconsciously pouted causing Jinyoung to visibly frown, "what's wrong?"

"It's nothing really...but why didn't I sum up the courage to tell you sooner? I'm a horrible friend..."

"Oh stop being silly, your not a horrible friend. If I was in your position I would have done the same thing. It isn't easy telling people these things, especially when sometimes its the only thing you can do."

Youngjae could only nod, feeling grateful for having Jinyoung as his best friend.

"How about we go watch some disney movies to take this off your mind and then call it a night? We'll be walking up early tomorrow. Bambam's an early riser and he really likes to annoy a sleeping Yugyeom."

Youngjae chuckles, hand covering his mouth as he did so cutely. Nodding his head he ran off to the living room leaving a chuckling Jinyoung behind, "I'm choosing the first disney movie!"

"Jinnie, I don't know if I can do this or not. What if they don't believe me? Oh god, what if they laugh at me!?" Youngjae took a step back, crouching into a ball in the middle of the path way causing strange looks and glares to be sent his way. Jinyoung sighed. To be honest he knew this would happen, he thought the male would have changed his mind while they were leaving the house, but the male had somehow proved him wrong, they were currently seven feet away from the police station's front door. Figuring this situation would have happened eventually, he prepared his planned speech to convince the boy and give him back some courage. He was surprised to find out Youngjae would consider giving up when it was right in his grasp, it was a golden opportunity.

"Jae, stop being silly. Why would they laugh, they are officers of the law. Besides if they do, I'll call my dad and have them fired. So don't worry, I'll always have your back," Jinyoung chuckled before continuing, "Look what I'm trying to say is, the longer you leave this situation like this. Its only going to get worse, what if something bad happens to you!"


"There are no 'buts' about it Jae! We are going inside that damn building, and we are getting your life back! So are you with me or not!...?"

Okay so maybe, Jinyoung's 'planned' speech was not actually all that great. But it seemed to do the trick in reigniting Youngjae's passion for freedom.

"I-I'm with you!" he yelled raising his fist straight up into the air, forgetting he was out in public. Upon realising this he went bright red and scurried towards the door, ignoring the second lot of weird looks from the by-passers.

A/n: Okay, so I'm still not officially updating this story, but I decided to give an extra chapter. Sorry if it was a little boring but look on the bright side, Jaebum will be in the next chapter and that means the first 2Jae interaction~. Random Updates from now on.

Word count: 1097

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