Being Watched | 4

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(There was a little bit of a problem with the start of this chapter, but it's all fixed! Enjoy~)

The sun reached it's peak in the pale blue sky, high and mighty, shining brightly on the civilisation down below. Amongst the busy Friday traffic, people of all ages walked the city streets each heading to different destinations following their own daily schedule-planned or not-unfamiliar faces seeing more unfamiliar faces, that was the daily life of citizens located in Seoul and in other cities around the world. Meeting thousands of people just by simply passing each other on the streets, the high possibility of never meeting them again nor remembering meeting them at all laced in the factual reality, that was how much simple-minded thinking went on in societies of today. Just like everyone else, he was too another unfamiliar face in the nearby crowd of other nameless people and that was what he wanted to remain as. No one passing him really gave a second thought while he stared through the cafe's window. He had grown to his monthly visits to the cafe, he loved the euphoric feel it gave off. Reminding him of his childhood before everything changed. Ignoring the seething bubble of annoyance floating in the back of his mind, he let a small grunt slip through his lips. It was time to do his job-otherwise there will be no amazing pay day this month-tipping his cap so it was resting firmly over his eyes, he pulled the cafe door open, holding it there with his foot as he bent down and picked up two boxes containing Mexican coffee​ beans-which he had placed down earlier-and walked into the cafe. A strong whiff of coffee filled his nostrils, he looked around the cafe admiring the familiar setting, despite the extra weight on his arms. It's walls were pale yellow-which lightened the room with a calming tone-the walls were complimented by white windows and matching mahogany tables and chairs were situated around the room. On each table sat a glass vase of lilac flowers appealing to both the pale and dark colours and finding a light balance between the two contrasts, the counter laid at the back of the room. Seeing the familiar shape of a very familiar boy, a light smile graced his lips-the boy seemed to be getting quite busy with the cafe's peak hour inching closer-the male stood next another male who was serving a customer. He walked over to the extremely busy counter, calling out to the two serving customers, he shouted 'delivery' over the loud chatter. The closest happened to be the very boy he had been staring at a few moments ago, when the worker was within reach of the paper slip resting on the box, he began to check it over before signing it. As he did, the male caught a glance at the others name badge, it said: Yoongi. Once Yoongi had finished, he placed the slip back on the boxes and told the delivery man to place them in the storage room out back. Nodding the man moved away from the counter, letting him get back to his customers before heading towards the door that said, 'STAFF PERMITTED ONLY.'​ Heading to the storage unit, he opened it with much difficulty before placing the boxes down on the floor. With a sigh of relief, he lifted the top box up revealing a pink envelope laying in between them, swiping it off with his foot he placed the heavy box back down. Leaning down, he collected the letter from the floor and continued his monthly routine towards the staffs male lockers, heading straight for locker number sixteen. He opened it with his gloved hands before placing it nicely in his locker. Closing it he headed back out through the doors leading back into the lively cafe, giving a light tip of his cap to Yoongi when the latter caught his eye. Without stopping or looking back once, he headed out of the cafe carrying the paper slip figuring he had already been there for too long and any more time spent standing idly would be unnecessary. The man had only started this job with simple intentions-delivering what was necessary to the chosen target and earning money from it-but when his eyes came across Yoongi, his target's co-worker, his plans changed dramatically and he always found himself letting his attention drift away towards the handsome blonde haired male. The said man walked straight to his company's van which had the name 'Extreme Deliveries' labelled on both sides in big bold letters. With the roar of the engine he set off to his final destination, looking through his side mirror he watched the cafe slowly disappear from his sight. An excited grin of nothing but satisfaction plastered on his face. Today he had achieved two things; one he had earned himself his monthly pay and two he had learnt the name of his new obsession. The man couldn't help but think of how lucky he had been today as he drove off to his next stop.

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