Being Watched | 3

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A/n: So I'm late but...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I hope you all received what you wanted. Y'all deserve it. This chapter is my gift to all of you, so I hope you enjoy it~. Though I honestly don't know much about the process of making a complain, so bear with me lol. I wish you all the best for new years day, it is a new beginning for all of us!~

Warning long chapter! C:


Upon entering the police department Youngjae began feeling extremely nervous once again, thoughts that had never even occurred to him swirled around his precious head. What if he knows? Oh god no, please no, please don't tell me that he found out and he's already here to hurt me, Youngjae was indeed not ready for the possible consequences that were to be the outcome of his decision. Youngjae jolted when he felt a hand placed gently on his shoulder giving it a light squeeze as if reassuring him, turning to the hand's owner he came face to face with Jinyoung smiling gently at him.

"Everything's going to be okay, don't think about it." Jinyoung reassured him as he pulled him towards the front desk, Youngjae was at a loss of words.

"how d-did you–"

"Know?" Jinyoung cut him off, "well I've known you for years now. I know you like the back of my own hand," Youngjae's face changed from confusion to happiness in a mere three seconds of hearing those words.


Jinyoung chucked at the other's amazement, adorable, "yeah."

Youngjae continued to smile until they reached the white desk then his face fell flat showing nothing but worry. Sat side by side at the desk were two police officers in their uniform chatting away with a hot cup of coffee in their hands, that was when realisation hit him hard. The reason as to why he was here in the first place, it was time to set thing's straight and there was no going back–especially after he'd already made it this far, despite his worries. He took in a deep breath to try and calm himself, gripping slightly at the hem of his own shirt before calling out to the officer's sat in front who were laughing at a personal joke.

"E-excuse me," he croaked quietly out his gaze stuck upon the two laughing officers–who were now almost on the floor–they had not heard him, so he called out again this time with more umpfh to his tone, "excuse me!"

This caught one of the officer's attention, a blonde haired man with the name 'Oh Sehun' imprinted into his blue work shirt. Sehun immediately sat up in his chair, ceasing all of his laughter and wiping away any other emotion with it. He then looked straight towards Youngjae and Jinyoung offering a small smile as he kicked the other officer in the shin, sending him flying into the ground clutching his leg. This caused his co-worker to stop dying of laughter and instead began crying out in pain. He grudgingly sat up on the floor rubbing softly at his shin. The other male began glaring at Sehun, who glared back at him with a devious smirk etched to the corner of his lips before turning back to a wide-eyed Youngjae, Jinyoung simply hid his amusement by biting on his lip. Sehun's co-worker was also a blonde male, he was often referred to as the 'hot hunk at the reception desk' by all his female co-workers–though no one ever had the guts to confess to him without risking both rejection and embarrassment, rumours were he was gay–he wore the same uniform as Sehun, a blue shirt, navy blue tie and dark blue pants with black shoes, the only difference was his shirt wore the name 'Kim Jongin'. Upon realising the reason as to Sehun's actions, he too turned towards the newcomers; Youngjae and Jinyoung. Sehun was the first to speak up, snapping Youngjae out of his surprised state.

"Hello. Welcome to Seoul's Police Department, how can we be of assistance?" He said as he hadn't just kicked his co-worker in front of the public.

Youngjae looked from Sehun to Jongin and then back to Sehun before sighing. It was time, he thought. He then looked to his right where Jinyoung stood giving him a reassuring smile, Youngjae gave him an unsure look but Jinyoung softly nodded his head grabbing the younger's hand, giving it a tight squeeze. Youngjae felt relieved that Jinyoung had agreed to come with him, he needed the moral support, but whether it was enough was the question Youngjae was beginning to ask.

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