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Where shall I begin. Well I'm a vampire and let clear up some of the myths about vampires. We do drink blood but we also eat food like any other creature in this world. The blood is provided by a few trusted humans and few other creatures. Nor do we actually bite anyone. Well OK maybe one and that one is our blood bond. The one person or creature that is meant to be our one and only. I've yet to meet my blood bond. Oh and I personally was born a vampire. True there are few who've been changed. We're all one big family and live on a large Estate we call Kinshire. The estate is set up just like any other city we have stores, a library, a theater, restaurants, parks, a school and many homes.

Only Vampires and their bonds lived on the estate. We have lives we even sleep granted it's only once a month for three days straight, and we can go out during the day. Just some of us prefer night time. My blood family consisted of my father Donovan, my mother Akina, my younger sister Riah, and myself. Oh and my grandparents. Grandfather and Grandmother are visiting another coven. Papaw and Nana live in another coven, and are coming to visit. We're the head family it's been that way for many generations. Oh and we can be killed just like any other creature. True we live alot longer then most creatures. Grandfather made a treaty with the wolves. Apparently many years ago when father was just a baby some wolves attacked the coven and killed several vampires. They attacked due to rumors and myths that the vampires were kidnapping and draining blood from their pack members. Grandfather assured them that we never do that and the only time we'd ever kill anyone is to protect our families. Papaw and Nana had arrived at the same time the wolves were due to come. Normally they would be just let through but their was a man and a woman at the south gate screaming something about us taking their son. We didn't take him but he is here. He was invited in by one of the girls.

They're blood bonds and a vampire can't ignore their blood bond. If they try it will drive them insane. I've read one male vampire went on a murderous spree they had to send the warriors out to take him out. Each coven has their own warriors of about 20 or 30 males and females. Not only am I a warrior I'm the commander of our coven, and I earned the position of course there was a few who thought since my father was for a lack of a better word the king pulled strings to get me in this spot. That's no where even true Father didn't want me to be part of the warriors. He wanted me to learn his job so I could one day take over for him. I felt that my calling was else where. Riah is a better choice for the role of head leader and she loves working with father.

Anyways back to the screaming couple I went and got their son so he could assure them we did not take him by force that he came on his own. While dealing with that Simon called from the north gate and informed us not only did the wolf arrive but he brought his mate who is not only a dragon but the king or was, and was also male himself and they brought their son. Father wasn't happy about allowing same sex partners on our land, but just wanted to get the treaty updated so he told Simon to let them pass. Then called mother and informed her and said that they couldn't not wondered around without someone namely me or one of the other warriors with them. Personally I didn't care if they were gay or whatever nor did I like it, but from what I read wolves don't choose their mates much like vampires don't choose their blood bonds. Once Sam convinced his parents to stop making fools out of themselves and go home. Father, Nana, Papaw and I went to the house. I smelt the difference as soon as I walked though the door. No! I can't be blood bonded to a wolf even worse a male wolf. What was I going to do I needed to stay away from them maybe if I drink some blood wine it will calm my nerves. Maybe I was mistaken I hadn't had anything to drink in awhile.

So while Mother was distracted by Nana and Papaw which are her parents I slipped up to my room to get a glass from my personal stash. It wasn't long when Mother came to my room door.

"What are you doing you are aware we have guest right" she said with her hands on her hips.

"Yes, Ma'am I just need a quick drink." I answered. Known to not cross my mother. Most people thought my father was scary they didn't know my mother. She could be the sweetest person unless you cross her or mess with me or Riah.

"Fine, finish your drink then come join us in the dining room. Riah has yet to come home" she said.

"Would you like me to go get her" I asked wanting a accuse to avoid the wolves.

"Yes but be nice and return quickly" she said and left. I took the chance and went also. That's when I seen the young blueish haired, blue eyed boy. Not only was he a wolf but he was half dragon also. Standing by the door to the dining room. Our eyes meet I knew I wasn't mistaken he was my blood bond. I wondered if he knew, and what I was going to do about it. I had a few minutes to come up with something while I went and got Riah from the shopping plaza. I didn't have to go all the way to the plaza Riah was heading towards the house with Michael one of the warriors. He quickly went the other way without a word when they saw me.

"What do you want dork" Riah asked

"Mother wants you home. Sent me to get you" I smirked. All the blood drained from her face she knew she was in trouble.

We both went home in silence. I was trying to come up with something to do about the boy.

Little boy....Blue  (maleXmale)  *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now