Waking up (Blue)

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The first face I seen was my handsome Thayer a small smile appeared on his lips.

"Good morning my darling one" he whispered.

"How long was I out" I asked

"Two days" he frowned I looked around the room I spotted my dads sleeping on a couch dad's head over on father's shoulder.

"How long have they been here" I asked

"They came the day you were taken. I'm so sorry Blue, I should of known my father would of of tried something. I should of been more vigilant. I should of" I placed my fingers over his lips.

"Shh, it's not your fault.....what happened to the lady she protected me even at cost to herself and her baby" I said I remembered most of what happened when I woke up in that cave.

"Victoria is fine so are her babies, though they will be vampires" he answered.

"They" I asked.

"Yes as in twins, she comes and visits you for an hour that's all the doctor will allow. He tryed to get me and your dad's leave, but there was no way we would leave. I threatened to take Doctor Rose's blood rations" he said

"Thayer" I scolded but sat up and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me. My ribs were still sore so I flinched.

"Did I hurt you" he asked panicked waking my dads. They didn't waist time in coming over to my bed and hugging me. Pushing Thayer out of the way.

"We were so worried Blue" dad said in tears.

"Dad" I tried

"How are you feeling" father asked.

"I would be better if you could get dad to let me go" I said Dad moved away alittle.

"Are you in pain my darling one" Thayer asked. Dad let him sit back side me.

"No just alittle sore" I smiled happy to have my soul mate at my side. I felt his presences when I was in the cave, I knew he'd save me.

"I'll go get the doctor" father said.

"Something to eat and drink would be awesome" I said.

"Cian come you can go tell Victoria Blue's awake. I go find Rose and get him something to eat" father said. Making dad go with him. Which I was glad I wanted to kiss Thayer, but knew he wouldn't around them. I pressed my lips to his it only took him a second to kiss me back.

"I love you" he whispered between kisses, but pulled away quickly when Victoria came in. She came and hugged me. I heard Thayer growl but otherwise didn't say anything.

"How are you feeling" she asked.

"Hungry, but good what about you" I asked.

"I'm ok and so are the twins" she smiled rubbing her belly.

"I have a brother and sister who are twins, my dad is a twin and what I learned they hate being referred to as the twins" I giggled.

"Your dad and father are very sweet. So is your blood bond though I don't think he likes me very much. He's talk his lovely sister into letting me stay here on the estate" she said

"It's not that I don't like you, it's just I don't like you hugging Blue" he said I had looked at him he had moved to the couch.

"I can promise you that it doesn't mean anything it's like hugging my sister or yours" I said alittle upset at him for being jealous.

"I know Blue, and I'm sorry" he said. Dad and father returned with a lady whom I figured was the doctor and some soup.

"Hello Blue I'm Doctor Rose, how are you feeling" she asked shining a light in my eyes.

"Hungry" I answered.

"Well that's a good sign, you appear to be healthy. I would like to watch you tonight and let you go home tomorrow ok" she smiled.

"Ok doc" I said.

*Week later*

I was much better Thayer even let me return to work though he changed it were I stayed near the bunk house. Victoria seemed to be doing ok. She lives with me and Thayer. He wasn't happy about it at first but she had since even grown on him. My dads had went home yesterday and Akina had went with them. She was upset at what Donovan did to me and Victoria. We didn't blame her and didn't want her to leave, but Thayer explained that when Donovan bit Victoria that it broke the bond he and Akina had and when that happens that It's like a death sentence. Sometimes they can find a new bond, but it's rare. I hoped Akina could find a new reason to live.

"Hey you" Thayer smiled walking up next to me.

"Hey" I said. I wasn't happy with him right now he was being way over protective and barely let me out of his sight. I knew he meant well but it was annoying to be treated like a child.

"OK, OK, I don't like you being upset especially with me. What can I do to make it up to you" he asked.

"Let me go back to doing a perimeter check" I answered.

"Darling, please the rotation was due for a change. I was working on the schedule before what happened. I moved you here so we could spend more time together" he said. Wrapping one arm around my shoulders. Ok I couldn't be mad at him for that I did enjoy having lunch with him everyday. One other thing I've noticed since the incident he's became more affectionate even in public. Of course the public affection was small things like holding hands or he'd wrap one arm around me.

"Ok I'm not upset with you anymore. What's for lunch" I smiled

"Now that's my sweet Blue" he smiled and suddenly turned me into his arms and crushed his lips to mine.

Little boy....Blue  (maleXmale)  *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now