Blue's tattoo (Thayer)

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I watched my Blue sleeping soundly his head on my chest. I was running my fingers through his soft blueish hair. That's when I noticed the light blue swirls appear on the side of his left side of his neck. It started right were I had bit him. Worried I rolled him to his back it had spread to his left peck. I dreaded waking him but I had to make sure he was OK.

"Stop let me sleep" he growled swatting my hand away.

"Blue, my darling one please wake up" I pleaded. I could even hear the panic in my voice. He opened his eyes oh his dragon and he wasn't happy. "I'm sorry I woke you but you have a tattoo now. Are you in any pain" I frowned and pointed at his chest.

"No, most wolves get a mark from their mate. Both my parents have a mark and so do Slate and Sophie. Mine looks like yours to represent your family or bloodline. Do you realize yours changed" he yawned and closed his eyes. I looked down at my right side where my tattoo was and sure enough among the red swirls was a blue swirly DragonWolf. It was very cool how the one I was born with and the one I gained from him blended together. *Picture of Blue's mark\tattoo what I pictured except not on his face or hand*

"Do you think I could meet Cyan and Azure" I asked softly gently pulling him back into my arms.

"Tomorrow or later today at a more reasonable time" he answered. I had to laugh at that comment. I closed my eyes to rest it wasn't time to sleep just yet.

*Later that morning*

I opened my eyes when he began to stir. A sweet smile graced his cute face.

"Is there something funny" I asked smiling.

"Nope, just happy I like your new and improved tattoo" he said tracing the DragonWolf.

"Me too, I like yours also" I said enjoying him tracing all the different swirls on my chest.

"Do you still want to see my wolf and dragon" he asked looking at me his eyes glowing slightly.

"Yes but it can wait. I'm enjoying holding you. I was think we should share a room together. Maybe I move into yours." I said. Now that our bond was formed I wasn't going to give him up or having him at my side.

"I would like us to share a room together, but how about we both take the largest room at the end of this hall. This room and the one I've been using are technically guest rooms or when I met my mate and we had children" he said he didn't seem bothered by the fact we couldn't have children of our own. It bothered me a little I've always wanted a child of my own, but now. Maybe we can adopt in a year or two.

"Why didn't you take the biggest room to begin with" I asked.

"I wanted the feeling of me and my mate moving in together even if it's just down the hall. The room isn't furnished and just painted white so we can make it the way we want together" he said sweetly.

I hugged him. "Your too sweet. I would love too decorate our room together. Most of all I love you" I said. I never thought I could feel this way about one person least of all a man.

"I love you too" he smiled and kissed my nose and started to get up. I quickly pulled him back.

"Where do you think your going" I asked kissing the corner of his mouth.

"Well I need to use the bathroom and some of us need food" he grinned as his stomach growled.

"You are aware I eat food also" I laughed and let him go. He went to the bathroom quickly.

"Then come have breakfast with me" he asked when he came out.

"I would love too" I smiled and got up I changed quickly. To t-shirt and jeans. We went to his room so he could change also.

Everyone was in the dining hall when we went in.

"Good morning you two" his father chimed happily.

"Morning" Blue chimed back. And went and sat where he normally sat I sat beside him. This will be the first time I joined them for any meal. Sophie who was sitting across from me was giving me a weird look. She looked away quickly. What was that about its not the first time she's been around me, Wolves are weird.

"What's that on your neck Blue" Lucian asked worried up and pulling at Blue's shirt.

"Uhg, dad stop it's my mark" he answered pushing his dad's hands away. Lucian stepped back with a stunned look on his face.

"Come sit Love, you didn't freak out this much when you saw Slate's mark the first time. You should of known it would happen sooner or later" Sterling said calmly. Lucian went and sat back down. Now it felt awkward breakfast was served steak and eggs great my favorite. As we sat and ate one of the staff came into the dinning hall and whispered something to Zander. I mean he was the current king.

"Umm, Thayer you have guest" he said. What who on earth would come see me I was banished from the coven and if anyone dared go against father's law and come see me they to would be banished.

"Come with me" I whispered to Blue. He smiled took my hand and we went. I was aware his parents came along. My whole blood family minis father was standing there looking around at the gorgeous castle.

"Mother" I smiled and went a hugged her I missed my family. "What are you all doing here father will banish you for coming to see me" I asked

"Not anymore brother, Viv and I run the coven. I called and told Blue" Riah said I hugged her also. The only one I didn't hug was Vivian. Vampires don't hug another's blood bond. I looked at my bond standing a few feet away.

"Sorry you were still being stubborn and avoiding me" he shrugged.

"Just get over here you silly boy" Nana laughed. I knew they'd would know we've completely bonded. The blue mark or tattoo was very visible on his neck. Besides that he smelt like me and I smelt like him. He happily came over and got hugged by everyone. I wasn't sure if I liked it but whatever. He was the same way with his family.

"Anyways we came to see if we could persuade you and Blue to come to the coven. The warriors refuse to take up the commander position. They say that you belong there and won't follow anyone else, and yes they are aware that you have a male bond and they're ok with it. Most of them said they didn't agree with father's law anyways. A few have even came out as having a same sex bond" Riah said.

"Umm" Blue and I looked at each other. It was like I could read his mind. " We need to talk about it and of course speak with his family" I said wrapping one arm around him. Now that I knew my family was comfortable with our relationship I could show alittle affection.

"Go be safe, we love you and you'll always have a home here" Sterling said behind us. We looked, him and Lucian were smiling and one arm wrapped around each other.

"You're going to let me go" Blue said excited

"Absolutely, we can come visit when we want right" Lucian said Blue went and hugged them.

"Of course, but we will still need a heads up" Riah laughed.

"Wait you all didn't give them notice you were coming" I said.

"Actually they did, just asked us to keep it from you and Blue" Zander said. He, Silver, Slate and Sophie had came out and joined us.

"We still want time to talk about it between just us" Blue said.

"Of course we're here for a three days" Mother said.

"Riah, who's watching over the coven while you and Vivian are here" I asked

"Viv's dad George, he's been helping alot since father disappeared" she answered. We all went into the family room sat and discussed what I've been missing since I've been here.

Little boy....Blue  (maleXmale)  *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now