The return home (Thayer)

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I was excited to be going home. I thought for sure I'd never be able to return. I expected to ride in the carriages with my family, but Blue decided to show off his dragon. Azure decided to show off his flying skills which apparently involved me riding right behind his head on his long neck. Mother took our luggage, he took the long way even circled the estate so I could get a birds eye view. I could tell he was enjoying this way to much. Hell what was I talking about I was enjoying it. He landed outside the estate gates and shifted back into his human form. What I thought was really cool is he was able to keep his clothes. He grinned and me like cat who caught the canary.

"Come on silly boy" I laughed and went. There wasn't anyone guarding the gate thank goodness I knew the code to get in. Note to self I need to change that. I had this overwhelming feeling father might try something and hurt me or even worse Blue. We were headed off by Micha and few other warriors.

"Commander" she smiled and stated to come towards me as if she was going to hug me. I automatically stepped back and put my hand up.

"What do you think you're doing Micha" I asked. Pulling Blue close to my side.

"Sorry Commander, were all happy you're home and with your blood bond" she said. I could tell she wasn't happy about me finding my blood bond but I didn't care.

"We're happy to be here. Umm, tell me why is the west gate unguarded" I said as the one person I never excepted to walk up to us Simon. The last I knew he was a big supporter of father's law about same sex partners.

"Sorry that was my fault saw a dragon land not far away thought for sure we'd have a problem so I went and got back up" he said.

"See I told you the warriors would freak out" I said looking at Blue who was giving me a cheesy grin.

"Wait the dragon was you" Simon asked looking at Blue also.

"Yes sir I was also the wolf he hit a couple months ago" Blue answered pointing out Michael.

"Please forgive me" Michael said quickly.

"Of course" Blue said

"Anyways, everyone go back to their post. I'll come to the bunk house tomorrow" I said then Blue and I headed towards the house.

"Thayer what am I going to do while you're working" he asked.

"You could just come with me be my right hand man" I answered. He had became a good sword fighter and could hold his own against me.

"What about the others who trained for that position" he asked.

"There's no one else who'd have my back like you would my darling one" I said of course causing him to blush. Now it was my turn to show off my strength. I picked him up and carried him to my room. We really needed a place of our own here on the estate. Maybe we can go talk to Riah later.

*Later that evening*

We were all sitting and having dinner. Listening to Mother go on and on about having her babies back. It was quite annoying I decided to interrupt.

"So Riah I was wondering if there was any available houses Blue and I could live in" I said

"Why can't you two stay here" mother asked annoyed that I interrupted.

"Because we'd like a place of our own Mother" I answered.

"Were you planning on getting a place of your own in Denson" (not sure if I named the city where the Star's live) mother asked.

"No but we have our own wing and seen how big the castle is its like we have a place of our own" I said she was really starting to get under my skin. This was one of the reasons I liked the idea of leaving in the first place.

"Akina you got to the age where you wanted to be out on your own. Hell you moved covens, at least Thayer and Blue are here where you can see them" Nana said

"I'm moving in with Viv, so I don't see why they can't have a place of their own, and to answer your question Thayer yes there are a few I can give you guys the keys and addresses and you can go check them out pick the one you like"Riah said.

"Thanks Sis" I smiled the rest of dinner was quiet.

*Short boring chapter again it was erased. So I had to start all over anyways Thayer and Blue will be adopting trying to decide whether they Adopt a boy or a girl maybe my readers can help me out thanks to everyone of you. My darling*

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