chapter 6

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My father never woke up from his nap. He had a heart atack in his sleep and my mother couldn't do anything to stop it. When she went into the room it was too late.

She called the ambulance and they came to pick up my father and my mother and I went after them in our car. She has to fill in forms and things. I drove because I didn't cry as much just to be the one to keep my mom strong.

I knew I had to be the strong one. We got at the hospital and my mom whent in. I took out my phone and called Anja. She got into her parents car and deove as fast as she could to get to the hospital and be there for me and my mother.

When she got there I was still outside. I couldn't go in and see my fathers helpless boddy lieing there. It would make me crack.

Anja reached in her pocket and gave ne a flask. I didn't know what was in it till I tasted that it was rum. I drank a sip because I needed it. We went in and went to my mother. She was done with all the paper work and we were on our way.

I told Anja that I may not go to school this week because of getting things ready for my fathers funeral. She told me that she would tell our teachers what had happend so that they will understand.

We split ways and I took my mom home so she could sleep in my room so that the pain of sleeping alone woun't get to her if she was next to me tonight.

When we got home I made us dinner and we ate then my mother took a blancket and laied on the couch and asked me if we could watch movies tonight.

I agreed and we started watching horrors. My mom fell asleep as quick as she always does infront of the tv. When she fell asleep I started to cry because I couldn't hold it in anymore.

I cried myself asleep while watching the movies. When I woke up my mom was still asleep so I made her breckfast and coffee. She woke up as soon as i was done. Like she knew I had made breckfast for us.

I called her to the table and served her the food and coffee. She thanked me and told me that we had to start as soon as posable with the funeral arangments and let the family know about my father.

I told my mom to eat now and that we would worry later about all of that. She nodded and started to eat her bacon and eggs. I ate to and knew I had to be strong again today, for my mom.

After we ate we went to a funeral place and began to discus everything. They told us that they would make everything and that it would be done on Wenesday.

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