chapter 7

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We got home again and I started to call the family. They all started crying when I called them. I yold them that the funeral is on Wensday and thay all just wished us luck and love.

I hate that this had happened to us. I mean why does it have to be my parents. When I was done calling and telling all my family my phone rang again.

Mr Mcall called me and I answered he said that he was so sorry becayse what happened and he will always be there if I ever needed somone older to talk to.

I started to cry a little and thanked him. After an hour Ryan called me and told me that he will come over when schools out to see me and bring me a suprise.

I didn't care about any suprise I only wanted Anja with me and my father by my side but I know that it was not possable abd cried more.

I heard a doorbell and went to the door. It was Mr. Mcall with 2 bocays of roses and food for me and my mother. I asked him if he wanted to come in and he smiled and came in.

He gave my mother 1 bokay roses and hugged her and hold her that she would be alright. Then he came to me and gave me the other roses and also hugged me. He saud that he couldn't stay and gave us the food and went again.

My mother asked me who it was and I told her that it was Mr. Mcall and she told me that he looks like a great teacher. I smiled and hugged my mom.

After a while the door bell rang again I went to open it and it was Ryan he got me a 5l ice cream barrel with a bunch of red roses and my suprise was Anja.

I almost cried when I saw Anja. I atacked her right away with a big hug. She hugged me and wispered in my ear that he is so weird. I only laughed at her.

After I hugged her I gave Ryan a hug and thanked him for what he had brought. We sat down as Anja made us coffee. We decided to go anf play bowling to get my mind off the funeral and things.

Before we went Anja gave me my days homework. She always does that so that she doesn't suffer alone with the homework I need to suffer too.

We got ready and went out. It was the worst time at first because everywhere I went everyone just saud sorry about your father, witch made me cry everytime.

We got at the place and started to play. That maid me forget a little bit about everything. It was fun spending time with my best friend and my boyfriend.

After it was over Ryan took us home and when I got home I darted for the bed because I was seriousley tierd.

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