Round One

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The shoot-out had only been going on for about twenty minutes, but only three people remained: Sparrow, Dex, and Jordan. 

It had been quite a spectacle to watch as foam bullets and darts soared across the battleground below. Dan had started off the tradition of acting out an overly-dramatic death after being killed third in the round. Each time somebody got shot, they'd just get sillier and sillier, but Smarty's was her favourite simply because of his Monty Python references. To accelerate his death, Aleks kept shooting the wannabe Black Knight, leaving himself an easy target as he ran out of ammo. 

Sparrow counted the bullets left in her clip: three. Out of seven shots, she'd only managed to kill Gassy, which she blamed the wind for. Even though Spencer had caught the hit, nobody was entirely sure where it had come from, and that filled Sparrow with a very warm feeling.

She watched silently as Jordan backed up towards her tree, his finger on the trigger, ready to fire. Since the tree Sparrow was in was relatively small, Jordan was only a few feet below her, and she had a great opportunity for a head-shot. 

Slowly so as not to rustle the leaves that surrounded her, Sparrow repositioned herself to aim directly downwards, lowering her arm so the gun was a mere two feet or so from his head. 'Caw caw, mother-fucker.' she whispered quietly, only just audible above the leaves in the wind. With a look of absolute horror, Jordan looked up, only to be met with a dart to the forehead.

Jordan's death scene consisted heavily of 'dern' and 'miaow', which Aron caught on his camera. Once satisfied, Sparrow hopped down gracefully from her perch, winking to the camera before stalking towards Dex, who stood in the middle of the field. He'd noticed Kootra's death, but was oblivious as to where the killer was. Aron followed carefully behind her to film the action.

With only a few feet between them, Dex finally turned around, only to have his gun roundhouse kicked out of his hand. There were a series of 'oh shits' coming from the 'graveyard' as Dex fell on his arse in pure shock. Above him, Sparrow smirked and aimed her gun right at his head.

The male Brit rose his hands in defence, urging the brunette to wait, 'Kate! Kate! Hold up, alright? Think about it.' Sparrow's smile broadened at his desperation. 'We could be team GB. We could take down the Yanks together!' She figured he was just trying to think of a way to get to his gun, but it was an interesting appeal.

Nonetheless, Sparrow chuckled lightly and shook her head, 'RIP in peace.' With a twitch of her index finger, a bullet launched towards his forehead. Dex's death was was short and sweet as Kate moved to pick up his gun. The rest of Team Derp cheered and ran towards her as she fired a shot and each of the Creatures.

'Hey, show some respect for the dead.' Spencer chuckled.

From the midst of an awkward group hug, Sparrow shrugged, 'I've seen Role Models.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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