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Why is it so hard to forget? I just want all the little things to vanish from my mind. Every little memory, every single detail. Why won't they just go away?

We had just gotten back home from the carnival and both of us were exhausted. Ariyah headed for the shower while I simply just got changed and went to bed. Laying down I smiled just thinking of how perfect she was.

About ten minutes later she joined me in bed. Her slightly damp hair smelling like a patch of flowers. She looked in my eyes as I stared back into hers. Her lips lightly pecked mine before she nuzzled her face into my chest.

I wrapped my arm around her. "I love you Ariyah," I whispered.

"I love you more Calum," Her voice was muffled but I could still hear her.

"Goodnight baby." She loved being called baby.

"Goodnight Cal." And with that she dozed off.

She could always fall asleep easily which always astonished me. Light snores escaped her lips as she slept next to me.
*End Of Flashback*

That was always one of my favorite things. Being able to fall asleep next to the love of my life. Holding her in my arms as she dreamed of who knows what. Listening to the sound of her light breaths.

I guess I took it for granted. The feeling I got when we laid down together at night to fall asleep. I took her for granted thinking she'd never leave me. That I'd always have her right there beside me.

But I was badly mistaken. No longer would she always be in arms length. No longer could I fall asleep at night knowing she was right there. Because she's not. And who knows if she ever will be again.

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