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---the picture is literally the worst edit I've done in my life but I wanted something with the whole gang in it: also let me know if you want more of Ariyah's POV or anyone else's than Cals---

"Hey guys," I huffed, acting like I was still in a foul mood.

"Hey man!" Niall cheered as he usually would.

"You doing okay, Cal?" Shay asked rubbing my shoulder comfortingly.

"Yeah Shay, these past few days have been a lot easier." I perked up trying not to just scream out that she's here.

"Why's that mate?" Mikey asked playing along.

"I uh- just one second, yeah?" I said standing up and walking to our room.

"Can I come out now?" Ariyah whispered so the others wouldn't hear.

I simply nodded, grabbed her hand, and made sure she walked behind me. We walked down the hallway and stopped right before we made it to the living room. Her hand dropped from mine and both of them latched onto the back of my shirt.

Since she was so much smaller than me they wouldn't see her behind. I stopped in front of everyone as they all stared up at me. A devilish grin reached my face.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce the reason I've been so much better!" They all looked at me completely confused.

She sprang out from behind me yelling surprise. You could see Shay and Niall's excitement as they jumped up. Shay literally screamed as she ran over to Ariyah. Niall on the other hand stood there in shock before finally joining the group hug. Michael got up and joined but I stood behind and watched.

It was all of their moments to hug and be together. I've had my alone time with her, it was their turn to sync in the reality of her being home.

"I'm so glad you're back!" Shay pulled away with visible tears in her eyes.

"I don't know why I left," Ariyah looked to everyone and almost started full out sobbing.

"It's okay Ari, you're back now and that's all that matters." Michael told her, bringing her into another hug.

Those two go almost as far back as Ariyah and I. Michael was introduced before everyone else simply because him and I are basically brothers. He may have been in the year above me our whole school career, but he took me under his wing.

"Thanks Mikey." She smiled at him when they pulled apart.

"We should all go out! Take a walk down to the stars? Our favorite spot, what do you all say?" Niall asked hopefully.

We all chuckled and shook our head yes. He cheered as he always did, causing us yet again to laugh at him. I've missed this so much it's ridiculous. All of us together, laughing.

"I've missed this with you guys." Ariyah spoke as if reading my mind.

Everyone agreed then decided the others would leave to get ready and meet us at Starbucks in an hour. Ariyah went to the room, most likely to change again. Usually when all of us went out we ended up going clubbing at the end of the night so she probably wants to dress up.

About twenty minutes later she walks out of the room. She's in a dress that looks fuzzy on the top and has a leather belt across the waist. Her lips are a dark shade of red, and she has a necklace on that looks like two but is only one.

"What do you think?" She whispers in my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"I think you look absolutely breathtaking baby." I shoot back attempting to sound sexy.

I think it works because her breathing becomes irregular when I say it. We look deep into each other's eyes then once again begin heatedly making out.

All I can remember is her lips on mine. Her legs wrapped around my waist. Hands touching skin. And then a phone call. From Michael. That bastard.

"Every fucking time man!" I growl into the phone.

"What are you talking about?" He laughs.

"You're such a cockblock Michael, that's twice today dude!" Ariyah hears this and giggles.

"Sorry that you feel the need to get some when we got plans I guess... But anyways I'm leaving now and Niall already left, and Shay is going to leave soon. Just wanted to let you guys know." Ariyah heard the first part of what he said and laughed once again.

I couldn't help but smile. Not because of what Michael said but because of her laugh. The most beautiful sound in the world is when she laughs.

"Alright, well I guess we'll head out now," Ariyah pouts at this, "or maybe here in a few minutes." A smirk plants on both of our lips.

"Oh god man, just hurry it up. Don't keep us waiting too long."

"Daddy doesn't need anymore than five minutes," the words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop myself.

"COME ON! I so did not need to hear that.. You know what 'daddy' go do whatever then meet us at our spot." He hung up before I could say goodbye.

I cannot believe Michael knows now that I have a daddy kink. Plus the fact that he copied my words and called me daddy- so not attractive from him. This is so embarrassing. We both laughed then continued where we left off.

I'm so sorry times a million but my dirty fanfiction mind had too.... Just had too. Sorry not sorry ya know!

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