Chapter 1

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Noiz POV

Buzz buzz buzz...
Fucking clock. I smashed the button on my alarm, breaking the glass. Crimson red blood started trickling out of my scarred hand. I didn't care, I can't feel pain. It's something I've dealt with since I was little, so I've gotten used to it. I rolled out of bed, falling onto my pile of computer gadgets.

"What are doing up there?!" I heard my baby brother shout.
"Doesn't matter" I called.

I lifted myself off of my newest allmates and trudged over to the large, dark brown closet. Opening the heavy oak door, I reached in and snatched my usual outfit from its clutches.

I walked back over to the bed and felt around under my bed, looking for my first aid kit. I felt it's cool rim on my split skin and dragged it out. Opening the steel lid, I removed the usual medical thread and needle, as well as a pure white bandage.

Like usual, I cleaned the wound and started stitching the tender looking flesh together.

"Oi! Hurry up idiot! You're already late for school!"
"Whatever." I called back. I tied a knot in the thread and started to wrap the bandage around my hand.

I put on my green and black hat on top of my strawberry blonde hair. Trudging downstairs, I grabbed my black rucksack and left the house.

>time skip<

Walking into school is always a bore. Especially if you're treated like an outsider. A freak. I stepped past the large metal gate and walked towards my locker. There was a gang of white haired boys crowded round my lockers. No one knows their name but everyone calls them alphas.

As I approached they formed a circle, engulfing me in their menacing aura.
"Thought we told you to say at home today?" Alpha 1 sneered.
(it's easier to call them that than trying to think of names like in the game)

"Like I'd listen to you twats." I retorted.

He frowned, getting agitated with my rebellious attitude. He rode his hand and balled it into a fist.

Great. I'm gonna get hit, again.

I reflexively closed my eyes, awaiting the dull thud against my face. But it never came. Confused, I opened my eyes, and there he stood. He saved me again.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" Alpha 1 snapped, resulting in a kick to the gut. Alpha 1 crumbled into a lump and his "brothers" dispersed, hoping not to meet the same end.

"You alright?" He said, turning his attention to me. His beautiful blue hair fluttered into his amber eyes, bewitching me even more than I already was. Flicking it out of his eyes, he looked at me with more concern.

"What did you do to you hand?" He asked, reaching his pale hand towards me. Slightly blushing, I snatched my bandaged hand and turned away from him, not wanting him to see me flustered.

"Nothing, see ya." I started walking away, when someone flung their arms around me.

"Why are you being so cold to me Noiz? After all the times I've helped you..." He whined.

"Get off Aoba." I said bluntly. He released me reluctantly, knowing full well that I hate people touching me.

"Well, don't be late for lessons. 'Kay?" He said and pivoted in the direction of his lesson.

I stood there for a while, cursing myself. Why did I fall in love with him.

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